North Idaho / Eastern Washington


If the blue chick is a hen put it under the white roo, if it is a roo put it with the buff hen. After they mate if you get any splash colored chicks then you know that is the blue carrier, if there is no splash chicks then the other parent carries blue.

if your roo is recessive white he can still carry the Bl modifying gene, it just won't express because of the 2 copies of recessive white being present.
With white hens? Yes, many. Someone actually posted some that I sold them a few months ago on here
Here are the New Years babies from two of my whites:

Okay they probably are recessive white then. They still can carry other modifiying genes like barring, blue, choc, or what have you. The double dose of recessive white hides all that though. Your blue and black babes from you white/buff pairing can all produce white babies if you breed them together.

Are the 2 barred babies yours as well?
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I think I've checked that out before, but it didn't give me options for recessive white/dominant black. It just does straightforward calculations.


I think I've checked that out before, but it didn't give me options for recessive white/dominant black. It just does straightforward calculations. i saw the choice on both these pages. i dont know how to read the results, however, maybe u can? fingers aren't as fast as my brain tonight....hahahaha if that is possible!
Well, to answer your question Cyndi it just depends. My buck probably weighs over 200 lbs....and my boer does prolly between 125 and 175...hoping to get some scales soon.
Anyone in the cda north idaho area need a cochin chick? Or a buff silkie?
I had to get 6 chicks at tsc in cda the other day. I only wanted two little white silkies but they have a minimum of 6 requirement. So i have a little bantam cochin and two buff silkies that i could sell. Im in pinehurst idaho. Let me know if interested and i will give you my email or cell number :)

I might be interested in the buff silkie. Price? I go through Pinehurst once a week or so (or can have my in-laws), so if anything needs picked up and brought west, I can help
I might be interested in the buff silkie. Price? I go through Pinehurst once a week or so (or can have my in-laws), so if anything needs picked up and brought west, I can help

I sent you a pm with my email and cell. Just asking $3 which is what i paid. Looking forward to talking to you:)

If the blue chick is a hen put it under the white roo, if it is a roo put it with the buff hen. After they mate if you get any splash colored chicks then you know that is the blue carrier, if there is no splash chicks then the other parent carries blue.

if your roo is recessive white he can still carry the Bl modifying gene, it just won't express because of the 2 copies of recessive white being present.

My white pen carries blue. I had a splash cock bird in there a year ago trying to improve them.

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