North Idaho / Eastern Washington

Thought I'd check in here to see if anyone has any ideas as to what these 2 cuties are.
I purchased 2 brahma banties, and 3 cochin banties 2 weeks ago. I can tell for sure my 2 brahmas and one of my cochin chicks looks "cochin" but these two don't really look like cochins to me...It might just be "hatchery quality" or I may not know what I'm talking about!
Either way, I would love an opinion!

Here is Willow/William depending...(S)he has no leg feathers, the start of a pea comb, and is fairly larger than the other "Cohcins"

This is Felicity/Napolian- This is the only one that I can tell is a cochin, "IT" has feathered legs, and very rounded appearance

And Amelia/Andrew Again, no leg feathers...She looks more like a cochin in body shape than chick #1 but still...
Thanks for the help!
Are they pea combed or rose combed? it can be hard to tell at this age. They might be mixed? I have a couple clean legged pea combed type bantams myself. I'm hopeful that one is a buff sebright, but otherwise I haven't a clue on them.
Any word on schedules for the next meet up? I wouldn't mind hosting it at some point, I have a playground for anyone who would need to bring their chitlins.
Thank you!  We are between Rathdrum and Spirit Lake.  That is very awesome to hear!  I am so glad because both my husband and I are very new to chickens...I've always only had 4-legged animals; pigs, sheep, goats, cows, dogs, cats...but never chickens.  Well, as an adult.  We had them when I was 2-ish but that was almost 4 decades ago lol.  Somehow, I feel better saying decades...

I have lots of questions!  Right now, I still have them in brooder and am letting them in their coop and run during the day.  Hoping to get them transitioned to their coop 100% very soon, as they are getting almost too big for the brooder. :)  

My first's still too cold at night for them to be in the coop 100% of the time, right?  As soon as I figure out how to upload a picture of the ladies, I will :)

I'm between twin lakes and spirit lake, up at the top of seasons hill (across from the fruit tree nursery).
How old are your chickens? Would you have a heat lamp or heating pad out in the coop at night for them?
Hi Everyone
Welcome to all the newbies! Life is crazy busy, as you all know. Checked my birds for lice today after the discussion about it a few days ago and sure enough my rooster was infested. I doused him with the lice powder and those critters came running out of his feathers...ewwww. Gave him a lice bath this evening and hopefully cleared it up for the most part. My chicks are doing great and my hatch is due a week from today. That means I get to candle tonight
Anyway, I'm pretty open in May for a get-together.
Hi Everyone
Welcome to all the newbies! Life is crazy busy, as you all know. Checked my birds for lice today after the discussion about it a few days ago and sure enough my rooster was infested. I doused him with the lice powder and those critters came running out of his feathers...ewwww. Gave him a lice bath this evening and hopefully cleared it up for the most part. My chicks are doing great and my hatch is due a week from today. That means I get to candle tonight
Anyway, I'm pretty open in May for a get-together.
Yay for the incubation going well! A new auto-turner seems to have solve my CAM issues as well. Anytime you want to come get those two buffs let me know, or I can meet you in Rathdrum/Cda on a Friday or Sunday around 4 or 5.

As for May.... Friday mornings work best for me but I have kids that get out of school at 3 to pick up.

How do people feel about the 6th? Or maybe a Saturday?
I'm between twin lakes and spirit lake, up at the top of seasons hill (across from the fruit tree nursery).
How old are your chickens? Would you have a heat lamp or heating pad out in the coop at night for them?
We're at the bottom of seasons hill! :) There isn't a way to get the heat lamp up high enough and away from them if it's inside the coop with them. They are 5 weeks.

We just got the 2 golden wyandottes about a month ago! ;) The other babies are due at the end of the month. What kind and how long have you had yours?
I have 2 buff Brahma, a golden laced cochin , and 2 unknown color cochins, all banties ! We also have 5 Khaki Campbells, 3 Welsh Harlequins, and 1 Mallard Ducklings! All of them are a little over 2 weeks old. So, it seems you have more experience than I do!
Are they pea combed or rose combed? it can be hard to tell at this age. They might be mixed? I have a couple clean legged pea combed type bantams myself. I'm hopeful that one is a buff sebright, but otherwise I haven't a clue on them.
Hmm...The last two have a pea comb, and it appears that the top one has a single comb? Not 100% sure. Thanks for the info though!

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