North Idaho / Eastern Washington

We're at the bottom of seasons hill! :) There isn't a way to get the heat lamp up high enough and away from them if it's inside the coop with them. They are 5 weeks.

They look fairly feathered but we're supposed to get down to 46 tonight. Not sure you wanna risk it.
Going by the books, I would suggest against it. But me, I would put them out (then again, I killed 3 out of 5 quail because I put them out too early... so would you really trust me?)
The love of a mother is never-ending...even a chicken mommy. One cockerel was barely walking yesterday. I isolated him and started him on antibiotics. Today, after Saris suggested, I looked him over for lice and mites. He was packed with lice (not something I'm happy to admit, but I'm new also...). I have him a lice bath and gave him Nutridrench. Normally this breed is very flighty and not fond of people or dogs. (Dorkings).
After a few hours, he's definitely doing better.
The next step: his previous coop mates... Also very flighty, and not showing signs of sickness... I knew bathing them would be fun... I was right. I'm not sure who got more soaked, Little Red or me.

Next is Eekey, red Dorking/silkie mix. Much nicer and ok being handled.

Well, my cockerel died tonight. He was just too far gone for recovery....
They look fairly feathered but we're supposed to get down to 46 tonight. Not sure you wanna risk it.
Going by the books, I would suggest against it. But me, I would put them out (then again, I killed 3 out of 5 quail because I put them out too early... so would you really trust me?)

Thank you! I was really worried about the night weather and then next week its supposed to get down to the low 30s. My hubby keeps saying they should be ok, and I keep telling him I don't want to kill them (putting them outside)...

I'm thinking wait or maybe try a lower wattage heat lamp bulb and a different lamp housing/hood?
Thank you!  I was really worried about the night weather and then next week its supposed to get down to the low 30s.  My hubby keeps saying they should be ok, and I keep telling him I don't want to kill them (putting them outside)...

I'm thinking wait or maybe try a lower wattage heat lamp bulb and a different lamp housing/hood?  

They definitely don't need a heat lamp if they're in your house.
If they're in a garage, make sure they have room to get away from the heat lamp. I've heard of chicks around that age dieing because they were overheated.
They definitely don't need a heat lamp if they're in your house.
If they're in a garage, make sure they have room to get away from the heat lamp. I've heard of chicks around that age dieing because they were overheated.
They're in the shop for about a week/week and a half now. We have a heat lamp pretty far up away from the top of the brooder now and over in the corner; that way they can get away from it. It's about 70 in the brooder. I'm not sure how to get it higher/further away than we already have it...any ideas on items to clip the lamp to or do you think in the shop is warm enough? It seemed kinda cold this am when I went in the shop, but I had been sitting outside in the sun for a bit.
Only my husband would think that, on a day I lost my second most expensive cockerel, and One I cared deeply for, bringing home chicken for dinner was a good idea.

He did bring home my favorite wine though. :)
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They're in the shop for about a week/week and a half now.  We have a heat lamp pretty far up away from the top of the brooder now and over in the corner; that way they can get away from it.  It's about 70 in the brooder.  I'm not sure how to get it higher/further away than we already have it...any ideas on items to clip the lamp to or do you think in the shop is warm enough?  It seemed kinda cold this am when I went in the shop, but I had been sitting outside in the sun for a bit. 

Is it attached to the house or a pole barn? Attached to the house, I'd take away the heat lamp completely. Pole barn... Good question. Maybe give them another week, then put them out.
Thank you!  We are between Rathdrum and Spirit Lake.  That is very awesome to hear!  I am so glad because both my husband and I are very new to chickens...I've always only had 4-legged animals; pigs, sheep, goats, cows, dogs, cats...but never chickens.  Well, as an adult.  We had them when I was 2-ish but that was almost 4 decades ago lol.  Somehow, I feel better saying decades...

I have lots of questions!  Right now, I still have them in brooder and am letting them in their coop and run during the day.  Hoping to get them transitioned to their coop 100% very soon, as they are getting almost too big for the brooder. :)  

My first's still too cold at night for them to be in the coop 100% of the time, right?  As soon as I figure out how to upload a picture of the ladies, I will :)

Between Rathdrum and Athol/Spirit Lake (technically in Athol) on Remington here. There are a lot of us up those way lol

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