Not a new hamp. red? Then what is she? Pictures!


For sure, don't feel bad about not recognizing a breed. Here's my girls, all production red, ranging from buff to mahogany. several have that iridescent green on the lower part of the hackles. The cockerel in front is also production red from the same batch, all about 4mos in the pic, about 5 mos now though. The big coppery colored rooster by the ramp? I was told he was a RIR... does it look like I knew any different? lol

Not to complain, Mr. Vic has been a great role model for the others.

She has white leggs thought and most Pro Reds and Sexlinks have yellow leggs. I also think is is probably a Production Red X Buff Orp, I have hatched chicks of that cross before and they look pretty much like that and that explains the white leggs too.
Haha indeed, she looks around at everything... She's afraid of my dachshund slippers and pecks at the aquarium glass, since the fish are colorful I guess. Well production red or orpington cross thingie... I dunno maybe some orp since some of the chicks she came with have orp in them. If not it's all good. She has a nice personality. Food selfish, chases after mice, makes alotta noise when Bruno is out with them (chicken watchdog), and likes to dust.

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