Not egg bound?


Jun 23, 2016
So I have a hen I thought was egg bound.. but am now seond guessing my diagnosis..
My daughter told me yesterday that one of my hens had a "poopie rear".. we have just had our first real snowy week for the winter so I brushed it off until tonight when my other daughter told me the same hen didn't go up to roost.

Of course I had her brought right in to the house be examined at that point.

Upon first examination I notice.
A. Dark comb
B. Lethargic
C. Puckering in her vent
D. Soft full admomin
E. Nothing at all in her crop

So I immediately treat as an egg bound situation. Give her calcium a warm bath and a quiet warm environment.
She just stands.
She is waddling and unbalanced. But she doesn't move much.
I've tube fed her vitamins and calcium..given her a warm environment with some humidity and quiet.. she doesn't really attept to lay at all.

The thing that realy threw me off was when attempting to give her some more calcium via tube she pooped.. a normal color and consistency.

I'm at a loss.

What could this be?
Do you feed her grit? Sorry the dark comb could mean a few things can you post a few pics of her please? The other symptoms sound like an obstruction
You said her comb is dark so is it red or purple?
It is purple but only along the top and edges about half way in. I added some ointment incase it was weather related.
It does seem since treating her this evening her comb is more red than purple however is still purple along the edges.
Beforw it was more purple then red.. now more red then purple.
Her demeanor hasn't changed but the color of her comb and her bowel movement has given me some hope..
I just don't know what could be going on with her over all.. so small advances seem minor being I don't know a cause.
It doesn't seem like a hard molt. She seems sick. And the fullness in her abdomen is concerning to me.

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