Not even sure this is a chicken!

What an interesting bird!
Keep us posted with pix as she feathers out more.
FYI / question for experienced folks -- My Barred rock screeches constantly. Is that normal?
-resembles my Old English Game bantam when she was young. She definitely makes a "screech" sound as opposed to my large fowl. (I can always tell when she lays her egg, as her "song" is shrill.) She's quite independent in the flock. -six years old, and still very feisty! (pic of her next to our little Belgian d'Anver roo)


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Well everything is on hold now. I don't even want her outside near the other chickens. Apparently at some point I was supposed to vaccinate my girls for fowl pox but my vet never said a word. What I thought was just fussing marks on some of my hens, now one of my sex linked has very distinct pox. I'm pretty well devastated just because I'm not even sure what to do, but tmw I think ill be looking at vets out in more rural areas and talking to the feed store. I don't want to lose them. They are acting totally fine, mugging me at the gate for veg, nothing different. But I'm pretty sure that's what we have and I have no idea where from. Ive had them since hatchlings in may and there aren't too many chickens in the area. Closest is probably 5 streets away, however we have lots of mosquitoes and west nile in the area. Must be a hardy virus. I have to scrub cat cages and finish clean up before the cold front hits tmw, bring in pigeons etc. (Can pigeons spread this?) and then I can spend tmw researching and figuring out how to treat this. Always something....
Heres the recent update. Little new hen is now in a pen right next to my girls. All the fowl pox is cleared and other than the visual yuck they never acted off or any difference. I chalk that up to a good diverse diet I guess. Lots of veg and plenty of bugs to scratch up. New hen is definitely interested in the girls but they are pretty much ignoring her. Ive purchased a new chicken barn to put in their ten by ten pen and I figure the new object is probably a good time to introduce the new bird since no one will have staked a claim to any of it yet. That's tomorrow and then I plan on using feedlot panels to create a longer run off the pen for more room to forage. I just have to figure out how to get them from the store to the house. Were getting there. Started giving excess eggs to the local fire department and animal shelter staff so everyones happy. Then to get the pigeons set....whole nother project! Gave the girls a purple cabbage today. Should have videoed it. Pretty funny watching them try to figure out why it wasn't green.

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