Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Wondering about my 3 buffs, the one the middle I just had to trade a previous rooster for but she was out of the same group of pullets so they should be the same age. Her comb is very small and hardly pink. My other 2 however... I'm leaning towards roosters :(
Wondering about my 3 buffs, the one the middle I just had to trade a previous rooster for but she was out of the same group of pullets so they should be the same age. Her comb is very small and hardly pink. My other 2 however... I'm leaning towards roosters

I don't see any pictures :/
Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me determine the sex and breed of this bird. I bought 8 supposed 15 month old hens off a lady on Craig's list. I'm thinking she may have picked up a rooster or two by mistake. For one thing out of the 8 chickens I'm only getting about an average of 4 eggs per day and the other is I've specifically seen this chicken mount the others. Maybe it's just a dominance thing? Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is my first time having chickens. I almost forgot to mention that all of them are missing feathers on their hind quarters. She said its from her breeding them and because she clipped their wings the roosters really did a number on their tail feathers.

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