Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Got 3 Lavender Ameracaunas last night, not sure of sex or age but I'm fairly sure they are older than 4 weeks because of size/feathering. I should know more about their age in a few days. Got them as part of a program from a local county poultry club program to get people involved in exhibition. Chicks were donated by show line breeders. I will have the chance June 3rd at the Field Day to possibly trade others with chicks from this breeder so that I will have a trio so I'm not super invested, just curious. I'm thinking maybe I got 1 pullet and 2 cockerel but would love input.
Chick 1-Cockerel?

Chick 2-pullet?

Chick 3-Cockerel?sorry, most of this one's pics are kind of blurry

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I see what you mean.  From a distance, I'd say pullet b/c of the feathering.  Strange that she'd have the pinkish wattles/comb, though. Did she have a nice compact, female-looking head spot  as a chick?

I think you didn't get many replies, b/c it's a really tough one.  I'm leaning slightly toward pullet for the 1st pic, but I could be wrong.  The 2nd pic looks more "iffy,"  but hopefully she'll stay looking more like a pullet.
Thank you! :) I didn't have her as a chick so I can't say. I really hope they are female. I don't want to have to give them away because I already have at least three roosters and I have straight run chicks in the brooder. I have been going back and forth since I had them. Right now I am leaning a bit more towards pullet because of her coloring. I am hoping for the best! :fl
Got 3 Lavender Ameracaunas last night, not sure of sex or age but I'm fairly sure they are older than 4 weeks because of size/feathering. I should know more about their age in a few days. Got them as part of a program from a local county poultry club program to get people involved in exhibition. Chicks were donated by show line breeders. I will have the chance June 3rd at the Field Day to possibly trade others with chicks from this breeder so that I will have a trio so I'm not super invested, just curious. I'm thinking maybe I got 1 pullet and 2 cockerel but would love input.
Chick 1-Cockerel?

Chick 2-pullet?

Chick 3-Cockerel?sorry, most of this one's pics are kind of blurry

1= male
2&3 do not have good views of combs, but from what I see you could be right with your predictions.

In pic 1, I can see the 3 rows of his pea comb. That's often a sign of a male. Not 100%, but a good early indicator. (That's why you should also look for any signs of pink as well as thinker legs & taller stance.)

If female, the comb is thin with a single row pea comb. Sometimes they grow their feathers in more quickly. I cannot see the comb details in 2&3, but 2's comb looks thinner than the others...... or it could be the camera angle.
Thank you!
I didn't have her as a chick so I can't say. I really hope they are female. I don't want to have to give them away because I already have at least three roosters and I have straight run chicks in the brooder. I have been going back and forth since I had them. Right now I am leaning a bit more towards pullet because of her coloring. I am hoping for the best!
It's a guess & I too hope they're pullets.
If they were mine, I'd certainly hold on to them as pullets until I knew otherwise. I'm in a similar boat with a 7 wk blue orpington.
4 week old BLRW, hoping it's a pullet as the one I was going to keep and swore it was a pullet the whole time... grew bright red waddles and comb overnight.
I'm getting rid of them in less than 2 days and need to figure out which one I'm keeping... if this is a pullet, she will be my one :) someone help please... running out of time!



4 week old BLRW, hoping it's a pullet as the one I was going to keep and swore it was a pullet the whole time... grew bright red waddles and comb overnight.
I'm getting rid of them in less than 2 days and need to figure out which one I'm keeping... if this is a pullet, she will be my one
someone help please... running out of time!

You may want to try also placing your ? on a wyandotte thread. (I wish I could help but know nothing about sexing them.)

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