Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2


It's a roo, isn't it?
They hatched Sept. 14th. That will be nice if one is a pullet at least. I really have no idea but I feel like if they were cockerels they would have redder combs by now.
so they are 11 weeks. I would say your black is a pullet. Get some better pics of the splash as it is suspicious looking. Orpingtons are slower to develop than some of the other breeds and cockerels can hide for long times.
Looks just like my Polish and she's a female, though she's pretty aggressive. She puffs up her neck and challenges the Rhode Islands all the time!
Hi All,

I "adopted" what was believed to be a light brahma x buff orpington mixed pullet about three months ago. I believe this bird is about 6-7 months old now, and I started to notice some pluming of the tail feathers and some rather sharp saddle feathers recently.

If the cross is legit, I'm kind of surprised at the result, beyond the size of the chicken, which is about 30% larger than anything else I own! Coloration and fluffiness seems consistent with Lt Brahma, but no leg feathering at all.

There hasn't been any crowing, so I've still got hope in my heart for a gal! Sweety of a bird that finally realized it's a monster compared to the others and doesn't need to be afraid of them. Anyone have any thoughts on breed and sex? Group pic is the gang around the time I got this one, and the single is recent. MUCH bigger chicken now!

That coloring looks suspiciously like an isabel coloring that can be bred for in english orps (super fluffy birds in their own right). Sometimes they're crossbred with creles but otherwise not sure where that dark tail would come in. But If so, and it is an isabel you've got a special bird whether cockerel or pullet. Comb is pretty red though...

The comb has been fairly pink and subdued for as long as I've had this chicken, and only recently darkened up, but doesn't appear to be flaring into any type of rooster pea comb that I've been seeing. I looked up the Isabel Cuckoo, and the skin tone and some of the body coloration is similar for sure. The face and leg skin color is something very different than I'm used to seeing in more common breeds. Seems possible that it's roots are somewhere between an Isabel or even lavender Orp, and some other heavy smooth-legged pea-comb type.

She looks more like an Easter Egger. If she were a Brahma mix, she would have feathered legs.

Maybe an EE and an Orpington? I have a more traditional EE with cheek tufts, beard and all, and it's a very different bird! Where she's much more sleek and football shaped, this one is a fluffy tank! The head structures are very similar and both have a bit of that "eagle" look to them. If that's the case, that makes this so much harder because sky seems to be the limit in terms of what any mutty EE could look like!

Holding out hope that those tail feathers are just exceptionally long and those heavy legs are a tribute to it's big-bodied genetics!

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