Not sure why my chickens & ducks aren't laying?

Low grade (read that as cheap) hamburger is a very fast and reliable source of protein, I think of hamburger for birds as if it were insects. As with all treats you give your flock, it should be limited to no more than 10% of their daily intake. That basically means, that since an adult hen should be eating 4 ounces of grain a day, then just under a half-ounce of treats is considered acceptable. Fat hens have reproductive problems and a far higher likelihood of eggbinding issues (just saying... don't go overboard, as it hurts them in the long run). Other calcium rich foods that you can supplement with when out of oyster shell is DARK-leafy vegetables like kale and spinach. If those are pricy where you are, you can still get them for your family and just give the birds the scraps.
You can supplement their daily light (which increases their annual egg-count) by illuminating their coop for x-hours a day, but know that it goes against nature, and the consequence is a hen that doesn't lay (or perhaps live) as many years. Big-AG doesn't care that it's bad for them, since they only want hens that lay x-eggs a day for x-amount of grain & space. When a hen falls below their needs... well, that's where rescued battery hens come from.

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