November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I set 35 Maran eggs today (black/blue and splash copper). My second time hatching and first time with shipped eggs. I have another 20+ arriving next week (also another bator), they didn't get shipped when they were supposed to so they are sending me double what I ordered, hence the need for a second bator. Hopefully the bator makes it before the eggs :)

omg taken me ages to upload this i am not good with computers.this is a current brooder resident a belgium pretty sure a hen love everything about this breed. they just so sweet we name all our after sweet foods lol
I tried to candle mine last night (1 week) and I don't know if I just have a poor light source or what but I couldn't see anything on the five I candled but that it was darker in one area that the others, and even that was pretty vague. :\
I tried to candle mine last night (1 week) and I don't know if I just have a poor light source or what but I couldn't see anything on the five I candled but that it was darker in one area that the others, and even that was pretty vague. :\

What color are the eggs? Brown and blue are a lot harder to candle than white. I bought a very high powered flashlight to use to candle mine, since I'm constantly doing easter eggers and at one point I hatched marans, but until I had the flashlight, it was VERY hard to accurately candle anything darker than very light brown.
i have 24 eggs incubating for a Oct 8th hatch. 8 black copper marans and a grab of wyodottes. home made bators with scores of issues, first hatch in them got 80percent hatch.(if i did the math correctly)
wish me more luck on these!!

80% is very good tho

omg taken me ages to upload this i am not good with computers.this is a current brooder resident a belgium pretty sure a hen love everything about this breed. they just so sweet we name all our after sweet foods lol

what a beauty! I had to download foxfire in order to upload photos to this web site....internet explorer wasn't working
Pyxis, they're maran eggs. XD Not crazy high quality (so not crazy dark) but way darker than my golden buffs or australorps lay. I do have a 4-bulb LED survival flashlight that I was using but I think I need something stronger next time! I'll see if I can pick something up...
Pyxis, they're maran eggs. XD Not crazy high quality (so not crazy dark) but way darker than my golden buffs or australorps lay. I do have a 4-bulb LED survival flashlight that I was using but I think I need something stronger next time! I'll see if I can pick something up...

Oh, those marans eggs are awful. My flashlight is over 200 lumens and it was still a bit challenging lol.

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