November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

put 9 button quail eggs in the bator about an hour ago so if their fertile i should have baby buttons hatching on the the 19th....cant wait to see what colors i get if i do get chicks
put 9 button quail eggs in the bator about an hour ago so if their fertile i should have baby buttons hatching on the the 19th....cant wait to see what colors i get if i do get chicks
OOOOH thats my birthday....

happy hatching
I'd like to follow with this hatch-a-long. I put 30 shipped silkie eggs in the incubator on Saturday, expected hatch day Nov. 23 but hey, if bantams are known for hatching early I might get Thanksgiving chicks! Just by candling a few hours after arrival/settling there are a few I don't expect to do anything but the shipper packaged them very good and sent extras. I plan to candle on day 8 for a good estimate on possible chicks. Currently have 28 standard size chicks in outdoor brooder 3 weeks old on Wednesday, 15 bantam chicks that will go in other outdoor brooder Wednesday when they are 3 weeks old, 6 juvenile russian orloffs and 4 "silkie" chicks hatched from TSC/Mt. Healthy that are up for sale due to not being actual silkies. They have the black feet, 5 toes and silkie feathers but cockerel has single comb and all were standard size. Yep, I'm definitely learning that BYC breeders are better than hatcheries when it comes to traits!
wow, $20 per chick! I have been eyeballing a craigslist ad (I'm always cruising for fertile eggs. shuddup!) about 100 miles away, $3/egg for lavender English Orps. I'm starting to wonder if that's a bargain? after shipped eggs I'm willing to drive next time..

what does the "English" part of lavender Orpington differentiate from a regular lavender Orpington?
From the info I have pieced together, American Orpingtons have been diluted and breed more for eggs. They have gotten smaller. The Engilsh are more pure, are still a dual purpose and much larger. American Orpingtons, cheap. English Orpingtons mid range in price. I'm sure the show quality are quite a bit more. But I think trying to find out which someone has is a bit like the whole EE/Ameraucana thing. Someone will insist they have English when they are clearly American and they are charging too much. Some people don't know there are different ones and are charging very little for English. And a lot are mixed between the two because the breeder can't afford 2 English. This is what I have found the most, so I gave up on Orpingtons. I have one Lavender and one Buff as my 2 token Orpingtons. Originally I had planned on raising Orpingtons and Ameraucanas. Had the same problem with both, people weren't selling what they were advertising or charging for.
wow, $20 per chick! I have been eyeballing a craigslist ad (I'm always cruising for fertile eggs. shuddup!) about 100 miles away, $3/egg for lavender English Orps. I'm starting to wonder if that's a bargain? after shipped eggs I'm willing to drive next time.. what does the "English" part of lavender Orpington differentiate from a regular lavender Orpington? from the ad, are they english? ;) I can't believe I'm already planning the next hatch...
Here is a picture from Old Orchard Farms, copyright is theirs.
I would say your picture is not of English LOs. English have a much rounder body shape. It's just like anything in breeding through. You can get inexpensive "pure bred" animals, but that doesn't mean they are quality. I can get LOs or Blue Laced Red Wyandottes from a hatchery, but if I want birds that have been bred with an eye to standard, health, improvement, and quality, that will give me good blood to raise equally beautiful birds in the future, I will look for a quality breeder and pay more. If I just want pretty egg layers, I'm not going to be as picky. When I saw the pictures of these English LOs, I fell in love. :love As for $3/egg, add up your gas for the 200 mile round trip, figure in your hatch rate, then consider the possibility of males you don't want, and decide if that's actually a good deal. Of course, feeding the hatching addiction, you might not care. :lau

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