November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

The small white Silkie is the one that had food stuck in her throat.................
She is the dearest chick but still way behind her siblings.................
The advise I received that night helped get her throat clear...........
used olive oil drops and just kept gently rubbing.
Day 14! I tossed one more that I think quit before day 10. There's another I strongly suspect is an early quitter, but I'm not sure, and it's a BCM, so I just kept it. With that one, I have 7 in the bator. The one with the white shell I know is doing great. The others re all BCM, and really I just looked for the dark area to be getting bigger. I guess all I can do is wait! :fl
Well they are here!! So far 3 have completely hatched and are running around the incubator, still wet but starting to look like little fluff balls! Two more have "pipped" I think that is the right turn, they have a hole and cracks starting to form, I can see them stick their beaks out and move around :) . The other two have no signs of anything yet, but 5 out of 7 for my first hatch is very exciting.  These are New Hampshire Reds.

Now, I can't figure out this picture thing.  I have photobucket, but cant get it to work.  Which one do y'all use to paste?


I use my iPad and it just uploads pictures from there, so I can't help. But I hope you get it figured out so we can see pictures!
My rabbit gave me a heart attack last night. Since I've been away for a while, I'm not used to the normal sounds of our household anymore. The rabbit was eating her food, but it took me a few minutes to realize that's what the noise was. I thought my eggs were hatching three days early (though that is possible, since there was a lot of movement when they were candled yesterday)... I'm so excited to have some new babies. I keep hearing imaginary peeps everywhere I go...

Three Cochin x Delaware eggs in lock down, six Cochin x d'Uccle started incubating. My Silkies need to start laying so I can hatch some Cochin x Silkies...
The small white Silkie is the one that had food stuck in her throat.................
She is the dearest chick but still way behind her siblings.................
The advise I received that night helped get her throat clear...........
used olive oil drops and just kept gently rubbing.
so sweet..
that was something I had read about while doing my chicken studying!
anything that blocks the throat even fowl pox! just to lube it...
I awoke to the sweet sounds of CHEEPING!!

I know this is the incubator thread... but here's a picture of my broody with her newly hatched chick! :)
Still no email from Greenfire. Iam putting in my guess as 1 Bresse, 2 Jubilee Orpingtons, 2 Barnevelders, 3 Male Rhodebars, 4 Birchen Marans and 6 Female Rhodebars.

I hope it's Marsh Daisys, Hedemoras, Jubilee Orpintons, Sulmataler and something they are working on the isn't for sale yet.

So what is your final guess? To everyone. Hopefully they have record of my chicks somewhere and can still tell me what they are or I will have to wait awhile to find out but I will never be sure.
did you look under the shipping tag??? I have found invoices there.

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