November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

dang!! 1 of the wheaton eggs quit!!UGH!! Tuesday I hope to have 1 blue splash and 1 black splash!
Nope, you can sit on the egg yourself. A cute fluffy chick, is a cute fluffy chick, no matter how you get it. It still feeds our addiction. My favorite pictures are the littles ones peeking out from between the mommies feathers.

I've had a few that got behind in growing after recovering from an illness or injury. Some caught up, some stayed smallish but all are healthy. One is my perfect Head chicken, super egg layer, Sara and another is my silly little Molly who is still one third the size of her brother. Still a beautiful hen.

This is a great picture.
fYes, someone suggested that. I already received the email. I got Sulmtalers, Barnvelders, Bielefelders, Birchen Marans, Black Marans and a Bresse.

A true Ameraucana is not very common. But if they spelled it Americana, then it is probably an Easter Egger, more common. An Ameraucana will only lay blue eggs, an Easter Egger can lay any color but most likey green or blue. I have 2 Ameraucanas (still not 100% they really are) and quiet a few Easter Eggers. My Easter Eggers seem to have the best personality of all of my chickens. They are so funny and beautiful. Mine have just started laying and so far all green eggs. I love them. My first one hass laid 24 eggs in 29 days. She even snuck into the house and climbed up onto my bed to snuggle with me one morning. Maybe not everyone wants a chicken that friendly but I love it.
From what I have read, I sort of figured they would be Easter Eggers, which I am fine with. I honestly love my barnyard mixes just as much as my pure bred chickens, so I'm for sure not worried about it. lol I want them because of the personality and the eggs, same as you. lol
From what I have read, I sort of figured they would be Easter Eggers, which I am fine with. I honestly love my barnyard mixes just as much as my pure bred chickens, so I'm for sure not worried about it. lol I want them because of the personality and the eggs, same as you. lol
When I bought mine, I was told they were Araucanas. Since they were only 3.50 each, I wasn't expecting them to be. WHen they got tails, I knew they weren't. But I didn't care. I love that they all look so different. ANd mine are still changing. They way they look is a surprise and their egg color is a surprise. Even their chicks will be a surprise. I love surprises. I would suggest taking a picture of each one after they fluff up and once a month. Looking back over them is surprising and fun. This is one of my roosters.

You know what happens when you steal all of the toppings off of someone else's piece of pizza and run with them? You end up wearing them like a bib. Apperently that does not make them inedible. But it does make you smell like a pizza. Max is safe. No one wants to eat pizza and Dr. Pepper flavored turkey. I wish I had a picture but I was too busy trying to save my pizza.
You know what happens when you steal all of the toppings off of someone else's piece of pizza and run with them? You end up wearing them like a bib. Apperently that does not make them inedible. But it does make you smell like a pizza. Max is safe. No one wants to eat pizza and Dr. Pepper flavored turkey. I wish I had a picture but I was too busy trying to save my pizza.
That's OK, it's maybe better without the imagination is having a heyday! Thanks for the laugh.
That's OK, it's maybe better without the imagination is having a heyday! Thanks for the laugh.
The reality is as funny as anything anyone can imagine. Max always has me laughing. He has started a new game where he jumps at my feet then spins around really fast. Runs around me and starts again.
First hatch is done with 7 Living chicks. I know our humidity was an issue and having the eggs horizontal. Hubby made a new brooder out of a cabinet we picked up at the Habitat store. Looks awesome and is working awesome. Very very stable temps and humidity. I'll post pictures soon!

We are on the hunt for fertile eggs this weekend and if we can find some to buy saturday we will have a new set going! :)
When I bought mine, I was told they were Araucanas. Since they were only 3.50 each, I wasn't expecting them to be. WHen they got tails, I knew they weren't. But I didn't care. I love that they all look so different. ANd mine are still changing. They way they look is a surprise and their egg color is a surprise. Even their chicks will be a surprise. I love surprises. I would suggest taking a picture of each one after they fluff up and once a month. Looking back over them is surprising and fun. This is one of my roosters.

WOW! He changed a LOT. At first I thought those were all different chickens! lol He is beautiful! Hope I end up with one or two!!
I'm with you on the surprises! I'm so excited because I have NO clue what kind of chicks or mixes of chicks I am getting. It will be fun to watch and see how they turn out. I just hope that they hatch for me this time. I got my new thermometer/hygrometer and I am actually stopping and buying ANOTHER one today so I can be certain they are correct. That will make 3! LOL Also got 3 new candling lights, so this hatch should be MUCH smoother!
Ok, I just had a HUGE DUUUUUH moment. I am working with a homemade foam cooler incubator. I was doing some MORE reading on the internet before I pick up my eggs, just making sure I'm prepared as I can be. As I'm reading it dawned on me, I have ZERO ventilation in my bator. ZERO. I'm guessing this is a VERY bad thing. So do I cut small holes around the bottom (maybe 2 ) and one in the top? Keep the pieces so I can plug them as needed and for lockdown, right? I feel like such a dummy right now. I really don't know how I overlooked this and it likely cost me my last hatch.

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