November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

New incubator Hubby and I built is up and running! Doing final temp/humidity test before putting the eggs in that we got today. We got a batch of fertile eggs that are a mixture of different ones (YAY VARIETY!!!!) mutts and such. There is some Buff Orpington Frizzle Leghorn and I dont remember the other ones at the moment, have to look it up on my phone from what the person said. Either way, quite the assortment! White eggs, brown eggs and green eggs!

Hubby and I managed to build the incubator for around $35. Found the cabinet at the Habitat store, which turned out to be pretty awesome. Does have a gap in front that I need to add a piece of wood to for balance, so for now there is cookbooks. Manual wood poles stick out the side to turn the eggs and I have to tubes on either side with funnels to add water for humidity without having to open the incubator. Lights on top (we have a fan in there too) are controlled by a dimmer switch :) Oh and our chickies from the batch we just did with our first incubator. They will be approx 6-7 days old tomorrow!

DAY 1 AGAIN! Temps and humidity were staying good and so the batch of 18 variety (with a frizzle mutt in there somewhere!) is in. :) We go into lockdown on the 27th at 10:30pm! Feels so far away!
ok how long do they all hang out in the incubator before you need to feed the little cuties? I read somewhere 24 -36 hours..would hate them to expire from starvation or thirst
We turned on a video of chickens playing from youtube and our chickens went crazy! Trying to peck at the video, jumping all over one another. When I had first turned it on, they all rushed over and were watching a different one with chickens, then I turned on this one with chickens playing...

Alrighty, things move fast here! Instead if quoting everyone- all the chickies are so cute! I have found that chicks hatched at home are so much more friendlier and trusting than ones from the feed store too. On the other hand the ones that I recently ordered from WELP hatchery- ordered 40, got more than 50- are the friendliest ever! So many greet me at the door of the brooder and practically fall out trying to jump up on my arms, one of the white leghorns always flies straight fir the top of my hat:) There are a few breeds that are timid or flighty but calm down when I handle them. Fingers crossed for everyone expecting pips and beaks today:) I'm staying busy with the rest of my flock to keep from candling again until day 10 (tomorrow) but it will also be a disappointing day as so many clears will have to go out. Here's hoping the best for all hatches and chicks;-)
Almost forgot this: Mollychick- the kids and I did that for the eggs on hatch day last Spring. We were hearing peeps and seeing rocking, so excited to watch someone hatch so I found youtube videos of chicks hatching and played them while holding the phone at the vent holes. The hatching chicks on the video got the eggs to rocking harder and louder peeps! Chicks hear others coming out and it is a signal that it's time for them to bust a move:)
New incubator Hubby and I built is up and running! Doing final temp/humidity test before putting the eggs in that we got today. We got a batch of fertile eggs that are a mixture of different ones (YAY VARIETY!!!!) mutts and such. There is some Buff Orpington Frizzle Leghorn and I dont remember the other ones at the moment, have to look it up on my phone from what the person said. Either way, quite the assortment! White eggs, brown eggs and green eggs!

Hubby and I managed to build the incubator for around $35. Found the cabinet at the Habitat store, which turned out to be pretty awesome. Does have a gap in front that I need to add a piece of wood to for balance, so for now there is cookbooks. Manual wood poles stick out the side to turn the eggs and I have to tubes on either side with funnels to add water for humidity without having to open the incubator. Lights on top (we have a fan in there too) are controlled by a dimmer switch :) Oh and our chickies from the batch we just did with our first incubator. They will be approx 6-7 days old tomorrow!

I like that bator! We built our first from a foam cooler, but already started on our next project with an old mini-fridge from a store that has the glass front. I also set 20 mix eggs yesterday! Pretty much the same breeds you mentioned and more, minus the frizzles which I have already and am waiting for them to start laying! So looks like we are hatching about the same thing at the same time! Looking forward to seeing your progress! Good luck!!
my 2 week old faverolles have been fragile since they hatched...2 had rye 2 are waning this morning
I've lost 2 Marans over this last week and an orloff apparent reason!! I hate this part of hatching!


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