November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Tonight is LOCKDOWN for me! I've got 14 eggs (out of shipment was severely scrambled) that have made it to this point. I candled last night and I have two which I'm pretty sure are quitters BUT they're marans so I don't trust myself enough to make that call. They'll go into lockdown with the others. I only have two of my wyandotte eggs left. One looks to be a great, robust little chick and the other has an air cell that is far too large. I'm not sure why as the humidity has been pretty good and the other eggs all have air cells that are on target. *shrugs* I'm going to give this little chick the best shot I can, but it's kind of in nature's hands. SO, we'll see what transpires over the next few days.

This is the worst thing that could happen to you! LOL , Now yer gonna wanna check that peep every 10 mins, LOL
I had a 110 blip last hatch .thought they were dead for sure but had a good hatch.......
Good Luck


humidity went down (dried up), temp went up
when you add water, temps should go down without adjusting the knob

too much ventilation?

I am going into lockdown! What! It's already here?! I can't believe it. Honestly it does not seem real that actual chicks will come out of these eggs..
*stares at them*

well this I know....everything I've studied reports that 110 is the lethal top temp...I do know if you buy shipped eggs during the summer months and it is extremely hot it's hotter in the vehicles and those eggs don't develop...

it is easier to regulate the temps in the bator if you can regulate the temps in the area the bator is sitting in. Here it is freezing into the 20's last night so the heater is off and on...drying the air...and so on!

I swore I wasn't going to hatch during the winter months because I then worry about the chicks, brooder health and just plain having chickens in the house! but here I am with more due to hatch in the next few days!

anyway back to you lol

I don't think it got to 110 in your bator...your temp went up because it started drying
Thanks for the advice everyone! When I added water, the temps did go down without adjusting anything else. If anything I worry about too little ventilation because I made 4 holes but have all but 1 covered because it was the only way I could get temp and humidity under control. I hand turn, so it gets opened more often than an auto turner. My house temp is very steady BUT like was said, the furnace kicks on and off allll day and night because it was down to 14 degrees here last night and isn't getting above 34 today. I also appreciate the story about the hatch surviving 110 temps because while I don't THINK mine got that high, it's still a scary thought. 20 beautiful eggs, wasted. When I get t at least day 10 (Monday or later) I can finally do a quick candle and see if everything is going well. I'm happy to have a couple very white eggs this time, so hopefully I can get a good view of the development for once! Lots of dark brown and green/blue ones too, so we will be seeing how well the new candling lights work!! Thanks again!!
My eggs go into lock down next week, chicks and ducklings. I'm currently using an automatic turner in the bator, should I just turn it off and leave the eggs in it for hatching, or take them out and lay them on "floor" of the bator? I've heard mixed things with some saying to leave them in the turner and others saying take them out.

humidity went down (dried up), temp went up
when you add water, temps should go down without adjusting the knob

too much ventilation?

I am going into lockdown! What! It's already here?! I can't believe it. Honestly it does not seem real that actual chicks will come out of these eggs..
*stares at them*
I'm right there with you! This is the start of day 14 for my first-ever hatch. At first I was a wreck, now I'm trying not to be bored. Fully half of my friend's mutt eggs were not fertile and 1/7 of my Marans eggs was a dud. Will weigh them tonight. I did try out my new candler for a couple yesterday and saw !! MOVEMENT !! I am hoping for actual chicks to come out of some of these eggs, Farmer Vi...

Haven't seen you on the BYCPNW fb that the one you were added to or one of the swap pages?
Tonight is LOCKDOWN for me! I've got 14 eggs (out of shipment was severely scrambled) that have made it to this point. I candled last night and I have two which I'm pretty sure are quitters BUT they're marans so I don't trust myself enough to make that call. They'll go into lockdown with the others. I only have two of my wyandotte eggs left. One looks to be a great, robust little chick and the other has an air cell that is far too large. I'm not sure why as the humidity has been pretty good and the other eggs all have air cells that are on target. *shrugs* I'm going to give this little chick the best shot I can, but it's kind of in nature's hands. SO, we'll see what transpires over the next few days.
Good luck! We go to lockdown in four days. 17/29 left in my first-ever hatch attempt.
Thanks for the advice everyone! When I added water, the temps did go down without adjusting anything else. If anything I worry about too little ventilation because I made 4 holes but have all but 1 covered because it was the only way I could get temp and humidity under control. I hand turn, so it gets opened more often than an auto turner. My house temp is very steady BUT like was said, the furnace kicks on and off allll day and night because it was down to 14 degrees here last night and isn't getting above 34 today. I also appreciate the story about the hatch surviving 110 temps because while I don't THINK mine got that high, it's still a scary thought. 20 beautiful eggs, wasted. When I get t at least day 10 (Monday or later) I can finally do a quick candle and see if everything is going well. I'm happy to have a couple very white eggs this time, so hopefully I can get a good view of the development for once! Lots of dark brown and green/blue ones too, so we will be seeing how well the new candling lights work!! Thanks again!!
Complete newbie at incubation here...and I'm surprised that the blue, light olive, and blue/green eggs are so difficult to candle. Right up there with the Marans eggs. Anyone else have this experience?
I'm right there with you! This is the start of day 14 for my first-ever hatch. At first I was a wreck, now I'm trying not to be bored. Fully half of my friend's mutt eggs were not fertile and 1/7 of my Marans eggs was a dud. Will weigh them tonight. I did try out my new candler for a couple yesterday and saw !! MOVEMENT !! I am hoping for actual chicks to come out of some of these eggs, Farmer Vi...

Haven't seen you on the BYCPNW fb that the one you were added to or one of the swap pages?

Hehe I know, right! Eggs that turn into babies.. seems unreal ;) I just can't wait! For my final candle, I saw movement in all of them except only a few. I'm very hopeful they're all alive.. Some were solid, and some had a clear area (yolk?) near the bottom. Could this be indication of malposition? or just not ready yet? I take good notes, so interested to see if those are quitters, or maybe late-hatchers?

You added me as a friend so you could invite me. Did you invite me? I joined about 100 chicken related facebook groups lol
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