NY chicken lover!!!!

Morning all. Just got back from visiting my daughters in Georgia. Had a wonderful time down there. Dh and I drove through north ga mountains looking at different areas for moving to. Reminds me a lot of the catskills and adirondacks. Beautiful mountains and valleys with small towns and a few small cities. You can get a lot more land and house for the same amount you would spend up here. So nice to spend time with my babies as well. Our middle daughter went down with us so she also got to spend time with her sisters. Family time is the best.

I have missed too many posts to catch up on so I hope everyone is doing well. Lynzi, I am glad to see you are moved and settling in. Rancher, I hope dw is doing well and that you are holding up. Gramma, I had a similar situation last winter. I had to bring twiggy in for two weeks as she was so thin because nobody would let her eat. She was at the bottom of the pecking order. After two weeks of fattening her up some, I put her back in but made sure to stand guard in the morning and evening over the food so she could eat in peace. Sometimes I would hand feed her to make sure she ate. Always have to watch the lowest ranking ones to make sure they get food as well.

While I was gone, the one hen who was lagging passed away. The girl who was here taking care of the cheeps called me in a panic. I told her not to worry and what to do with the carcass. She has fallen for the cheeps and enjoyed letting them out and watching them at night when she got off work. My cheeps were happy to see us back. Legolas must have really missed me as he followed me all over the yard yesterday. His girls are broody (again) and so sit in the coop all day. He was too cute, following me as fast as his little legs would go, talking to me the whole time.

Clyde grew while I was away and his band on his leg got too tight, causing him to limp. I was able to corner him and catch him to remove the band. I felt like a horrible chicken mommy. He was so good, not like the other idiots. He let me hold him and inspect him, remove the band and inspect his feet and massage the leg where the band was. He didnt complain or squirm or fuss, just laid in my arms. He is turning into a handsome roo. The pullets are starting to lay as well and though his foot/leg was hurting him, Clyde was trying to mate with some of the girls. Needs to refine his technique.

The younger bunch needs more culling. There is a nice looking roo in the younger bunch but he is a beast and a bully so his temperment earns him a spot in freezer camp. I am dropping numbers in preparation for winter. Once all my pullets are laying, I will go through the older hens and cull.

My silkie babies have grown quite a bit as well and soon I will have to rearrange the two coops. Still trying to determine sex on them although one is definately a roo. They were too cute, running to greet me for some attention.

I hope all of you are well and that your cheeps are doing well also.
I, too, just had a trip, not so very far, Chautauqua county. And not for so long, but enjoyable. DH did a fine job with the flock, but the broody got off her eggs, and is on a new bunch. So it begins again.
I also put out multiple dishes, and we have a routine of letting the young ones in the separate coops out first so they have a chance to eat as much as they want undisturbed in the morning while I fill the waterers etc. they really enjoy this time when they don't have to scurry around avoiding the mean aunties.
I dont know if this occurred to anyone else ...that the chicken at the bottom of the pecking order may not get fed ?
My Goldie Passed a while back ...I know my roo would chase her away from food ...I didnt think to check if she was getting enough food .
Bruiser is now at the bottom of the pecking order . she hides out when they are in the coop ( roosts on the floor ) and at night she is one of the 1st to roost .
I checked her crop before bed & it was almost empty . so I brought her out + gave her some food.
I am going to check her each day from now on . Food For Thought !
i've noticed just lately that my wellies are not getting as much as the wyandottes and are a little smaller in size then i had hope at 18 weeks ..my wellie roo is as big as the wyandottes but the female wellies are much smaller it seems ..i feed them in the coop in the morning and have started to lay out a few extra bowls of feed ..but noticed this morning that the wyandottes get to eat first and all the wellie girls are outside..i think i maybe giving to many handfuls of cracked corn and seeds for treats ..so i plan on backing off on them ..i noticed also that i have one that tends to get her butt feathers pulled out roosting alone way in the back ..shes had a couple other wellie girls roost with her but for the most part shes always alone ..when all the birds are out in the run only a couple wellies even come out of the coop..i think i may build another coop just for my roo ..hes getting after the girls alot lately and my wife hates hearing them screetch out when he does..
New chicks are doing great. Looks like the other eggs should be hatching tomorrow. There were 2 that were just starting to pip late this afternoon. The other ones need to hatch soon. This morning I thought that one went missing, but then I checked under my other broody and she has stole it, but I love that they are doing a great job co-parenting. Checked under my last broody. She has the 2 duck eggs that I gave her. I'm thinking about putting some LF eggs under her. Not sure, but if I do I need to do it tomorrow or Tuesday so they will all hatch together. Not sure where I would get the eggs. I am barley making it by with what I am getting and my few customers can't spare any to hatch...Anybody got a few fertile eggs close by that they want to sell on the cheaper side?..maybe trade for something?
I've got lots of fertile eggs. Let me know how many you want.
That is a good Idea ...a extra dish . I may put her in with the younger hens / babies too as she should be at the top of the pecking order with them.
I also throw out scratch ...he chases her away ..Meanie !
I have also merged some of the young hens in with the flock so that also may have contributed to her not eating as much also .

I just wondered if there was a connection between pecking order & un explained chicken death ...something to watch for ...
i am getting ready to combined my new and old birds..i have 18 new and 4 old..i have had them penned next to each other for awhile now ..the plastic kids fence is whats sepperating them in the run ..i thought i'd wait till they are all on layer feed and then just open the one end of the gate ..any suggestions or tips to watch out for when bringing 2 flocks togather..

.any suggestions would be great ..i've read alot on this , and just wanted to know what you guys all think ..thanks in advance..
I dont know if this occurred to anyone else ...that the chicken at the bottom of the pecking order may not get fed ?
My Goldie Passed a while back ...I know my roo would chase her away from food ...I didnt think to check if she was getting enough food .
Bruiser is now at the bottom of the pecking order . she hides out when they are in the coop ( roosts on the floor ) and at night she is one of the 1st to roost .
I checked her crop before bed & it was almost empty . so I brought her out + gave her some food.
I am going to check her each day from now on . Food For Thought !

I've learned to make sure there is more than one feeder and distantly separated. The same with waterers. Even with chicks it can be precarious. It helps to have the waterers and feeder separated by some distance too. Better more than one smaller feeder/waterer than one big one. IMO.

I am sorry about your Goldie.
I've learned to make sure there is more than one feeder and distantly separated. The same with waterers. Even with chicks it can be precarious. It helps to have the waterers and feeder separated by some distance too. Better more than one smaller feeder/waterer than one big one. IMO.

I am sorry about your Goldie.
Also sorry to hear about Goldie.

Great idea with the multiple separate feeders. We have one in the run and one in the coop, so last one out of the coop gets to eat their fill as much as first one in the run. I've already been thinking of adding an additional feeder in the run. I also give them "foraging fun" pretty frequently as well.
this is the thread I was looking for! I posted in the WNY chickenstock.. but I am searching all over for a couple of chicks! my broody sat and none of her eggs hatched... she wont leave her nest.. so I was looking to slip a few under her during the night..

I have had no luck on craigslist so far or pennswoods.. so I am turning here!

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