NY chicken lover!!!!

Awesome, both pair made the long journey safe and sound!! here they are
Does anybody else feel guilty when they process birds? I KNOW they had a better life than anybird from the grocery store, but I feel so conflicted. I'll wait a bit,before I eat one and I'll cook it with wine(in me that is). They were 5 months old. does that change how I cook it? They feel pretty hefty. Anyway, I feel guilty and looking forward to tasting them. And positive, that I will be doing it again. OH! I used Berkshire view farm for processing. They were great . I would recommend them to anybody!
Absolutely feel guilty. Butchered our own. Hoping it gets easier the more you do it. Wanting meaties spring and fall, but not sure can handle the butchering process again.
We do our own chickens and I do the quail, but we had BerkshireView do our turkeys. We were really pleased with them also. Dropped the turkeys off in the am, picked them up in the pm same day...loved that. Thinking of getting some beef from them, anyone want to split a cow?

As far as it getting easier...not sure, I can do it with minimal personal distress knowing I am feeding my family. My DH and DD (12 years old) help. It only bothers DD a tiny bit, probably bothers DH more, but he can get the job done. DD bounces back within minutes and helps with the entire process. 3 DSs (ages 13, 15, and 22)....fat chance they are too squeamish, tender-hearted. But they have no problem eating it. Guess it is a good thing I love my men like my TP, strong yet soft.
We have processed Cornish Xs, free young roosters, old hens that no longer lay, and mean old roosters. Even young roosters that we hatched. For me, it is a mental thing...I have decided that I can do anything I have to do.
I don't feel guilty about processing and eating my extra roos. (Or anyone else's for that matter. LOL)

They are food. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them to get sick and die or suffer in any way. I love my birds. But I took them into my heart knowing that they were either going to lay me food or BE food.

Ray "does the deed" and I just stand there and hold their feet while they expire. He has the easier job, beleive me.

What I do feel guilty about is buying meat that has been raised in a feed lot and allowed to go lame or worse, before they came to my table. (but anyone who's met me knows I get over it fast enough to not miss a single meal.

Home grown roo is YUMMY. I highly recommend learning to process your own, so you know their demise was as humane as their life.

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