NY chicken lover!!!!

This video is for Rancher, Jlaw, Stony, County and all the other chicken men out there!

I was talking to my mother this morning and she told me an aquaintance of hers was out hunting with her dh and they shot a mountain lion. They tagged it and called the dec, who promptly said there are no mountain lions in NYS. They told them they had just killed one and put a tag on it. Guess the dec officer booked on over to confirm. Apparently another one has been sighted behind the same couples house. They live out near Malone in a fairly secluded swampy area. I do believe that these big cats could quite easily inhabit nys as there are enough desolate areas for them to survive in.

Got two inches of snow. Got yelled at by the terrorists for the evil white stuff in their run. I opened the door to their coop to let some air in and a couple barred rocks have ventured out. Bill is busy calling them back in. Filled feeders. Made cookies and bread. A good day off!

That is insane so are they going to eat it? I wish I could eat more game than commercial, Well hopefully I will get my freezer filled with chickens and ducks this year that I won't have to worry about buying meat. Then I hope friends will take me n lil man hunting. Hopefully I can make trades with my neighbor who hunts, he does all his own processing.

Sloppy joes

so yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of pelts, there's one lying in the side of my road about a hundred feet from where the deer was a couple of weeks ago....can't even tell what kind of animal it's from but it's definitely got a thick coat. A fox maybe? No body, no bones, just skin and fur...so weird

that is weird
Before I was born, my mother had horses come back to the barn spooked a few times and one of them had cat claw marks on her. Rural upstate NY where I grew up is sparsely populated and hunting and trapping put meat on the table and a few dollars in the pocket for pelts. Nothing goes to waste because nobody can afford to waste anything. We ate more game meat than commercial growing up. Just how it was. Still is in some parts.

Now don't get me wrong if you need to kill a big cat for a reason, I'm all for it. Long as you make a rug out of it or something useful.
I'd have no problem killing anything two legged or four goes near my chickens.

This video is for Rancher, Jlaw, Stony, County and all the other chicken men out there!

I was talking to my mother this morning and she told me an aquaintance of hers was out hunting with her dh and they shot a mountain lion. They tagged it and called the dec, who promptly said there are no mountain lions in NYS. They told them they had just killed one and put a tag on it. Guess the dec officer booked on over to confirm. Apparently another one has been sighted behind the same couples house. They live out near Malone in a fairly secluded swampy area. I do believe that these big cats could quite easily inhabit nys as there are enough desolate areas for them to survive in.

Got two inches of snow. Got yelled at by the terrorists for the evil white stuff in their run. I opened the door to their coop to let some air in and a couple barred rocks have ventured out. Bill is busy calling them back in. Filled feeders. Made cookies and bread. A good day off!

that you tube video was cool. hubby laughed
Playing catch up here again, after another couple of busy days and absence on BYC.

Lynzi, the pics of your kids with the duck are very sweet. They are sure cute kids (and the duck is adorable, too)! I have yet to get a holiday pic taken for Christmas cards. Behind, as usual...

Pyxis ... sorry to hear about the mishap with your new pullet and the chicks. Accidents happen, unfortunately. I hope the surviving chicks come around.

Luvmychicks - Your poor mother-in-law....diabetes DEFINITELY complicates things...even the simplest of injuries or illnesses. I hope she can get back to better health soon. Rough timing between winter and the holiday season, especially, not that it's ever a good time to be in the hospital. I'll send up a "knee mail" to the Man Upstairs on her behalf.

Who has their tree up and decorated? We are so behind this year. No tree yet. Maybe tomorrow afternoon, if my younger son is up to it. He missed school today with a stomach bug. Poor guy; it's his second one in less than 3 weeks. UGH! Germs....

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Here's a pic or two I took yesterday.... for County Boy and any other wildlife freaks like me. I prefer to shoot animals with my camera, but it's all about the fascination with wildlife that gets people like us outdoors. I had two male ring-neck pheasants cross right in front of my car today. Ironically, although I had the camera with me, I had left the memory card in the computer from downloading the pics below. Life's little ironies...!

County Boy, do you ever look for dropped sheds? I know someone up in Ontario who does this as part of his (many) outdoor hobbies. Pretty cool...

White-tailed Doe, just chillin' ...

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Now don't get me wrong if you need to kill a big cat for a reason, I'm all for it.  Long as you make a rug out of it or something useful.  :lol:     I'd have no problem killing anything two legged or four goes near my chickens.  :lau     

Two legged lol yeah we've had a few problems around here with that.

Nice pics TOB

its like an easter egg hunt with 7 nesting areas for 13 layers i find eggs hidden away ugh!

My son thought we only got three eggs yesterday, nope we got a bunch more lol. Pulled a bunch of eggs today since some were left over from yesterday.


The aliens say good night and sleep with one eye open. LOL

Speaking of pelts, there's one lying in the side of my road about a hundred feet from where the deer was a couple of weeks ago....can't even tell what kind of animal it's from but it's definitely got a thick coat. A fox maybe? No body, no bones, just skin and fur...so weird

Is it remains of that same deer ?
Something ate the meat but not the fur ?

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