NY chicken lover!!!!

Pharmchickrnmom - so very sorry for your friends loss.

Queenchick16 - congrats on the first egg. Firsties are the best.

Anyone else going to the auction in Lyons tomorrow?
The rooster management hierarchy has been downsized as of this morning, as the organization no longer has need of Chester the Molester's hen-bothering skills and has made him redundant. It isn't much quieter, granted, as my alpha roo is the big mouth of the group, but the hens seem happier - they're now able to walk the alleys and byways (OK - the coop and run) without being jumped by that idiot. I should have gotten rid of him ages ago.

Alan's friend says that his family is absolutely thrilled to be having a "real chicken" over for dinner this weekend. We're happy he could make it!

Mama has brought the peepers out of their makeshift broody box and into their temporary enclosure. They're eating, drinking, and peeping up a storm. This is a great way to raise chicks - provide the food, and let her do the rest!
Just been out trying to shore up the coop. Heard some weird noises the other night and moved my game cam that I had watching our resident skunk (the skunk has been there for years and has never been a problem).. Lookie what I found =(. Whaddya think? Fox or coon? Not looking forward to trapping another animal - it's too hard to get someone to take it and my husband won't even kill spiders. =(

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Just been out trying to shore up the coop. Heard some weird noises the other night and moved my game cam that I had watching our resident skunk (the skunk has been there for years and has never been a problem).. Lookie what I found =(. Whaddya think? Fox or coon? Not looking forward to trapping another animal - it's too hard to get someone to take it and my husband won't even kill spiders. =(

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That's what I was thinking. Wondering if I should just shore up the coops or if I need to catch him. Everyone's out now (Should have checked the card before letting them out), but I am out and around keeping an eye out.

Btw, love the game cam. Even for a cheap cam, I've managed to catch all sorts of critters (most benign).
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That's what I was thinking. Wondering if I should just shore up the coops or if I need to catch him. Everyone's out now (Should have checked the card before letting them out), but I am out and around keeping an eye out.

Btw, love the game cam. Even for a cheap cam, I've managed to catch all sorts of critters (most benign).
I agree. fox. I had a fox here last summer and stalked my free range birds right though my yard in the middle of the afternoon! Ballsy little thing! Needless to say the fox is no longer. I tried to trap it w/o success. However, my FIL saw it dead when he was out hunting deer last fall. He did not do it in, just saw it while on the 4 wheeler. Glad to have it gone!
Evening all. Been working on the coop with the dh today and got the roof rafters up and some of the inside supports in. Hoping to finish that tomorrow and put the roof on. Then comes the siding. Its looking pretty good. Got to finish soon cause the terrorists need to go in there. Bad. They are getting huge! Dh is complaining that there is dust in his firearms so you know thats bad!

I know its off topic but I would ask that everyone keep my close friend and fellow coworker in your prayers. Her 4 year old son Rylan passed away very unexpectedly at 1232 this morning. He had just been diagnosed with walking pnumonia yesterday and sent home with antibiotics. He died in her arms this morning. We are all stunned and devastated by his death as he was a very sweet, loving, giving child. I guess God needed him more than we did. His mother (who is a single mom raising 2 boys) is beside herself with grief. I am still trying to come to grips with this myself. Thanks.
This doesn't even show how awful devastated I feel for her, but as close as the smiley's come. My oldest turns 4 next month. If anything happened to my children I don't know how I would keep on living. In cases like this I wish I could take some of their pain away. She's and her family wil be in my prayers.
My neighbor just dispatched a fox a couple days ago. It had killed a couple of their free rangers. Your post reminds me, I need to put my game cams out again
I hear they are pretty hard to trap, so might have to keep the gals on lockdown unless we are outside working. 'tis a shame, but we have a huge property and I can't fence in the entire area. I know there's at least two, because I heard them fighting/barking the other night (that's why I moved that cam).

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