O.K. Who's taken the tree down??

All of our Christmas decorations and tree are now packed up and put away. I couldn't wait to restore the house to some decent order today LOL. I love Christmas but boy it's nice to have the stuff picked up!
No tree here but when I was growing up the tradition was, you're supposed to take the tree down January 2cd. Never before.
Normally, I would be taking mine down today but my uncle and his wife and son is stopping by tomorrow on their way to Virginia, so I feel obligated to leave it up until after their visit.
But tomorrow evening right after they leave and I check up on the latest info here, everything is coming down and going back to the shed.

My mother and grandmother have always left their tree up til New Years Day but I'm tired of looking at mine before then.
Mine goes up the day after Thanksgiving and comes down the day after Christmas -- that gives me a month to look at it.
Took ours down today. It displaces my favorite reading chair in the living room so I can't wait to get it down as soon as Christmas is over. I left the wreath on the front door though.
I'm the grinch and didn't even get a tree this year. No guests for Christmas = no tree. This year we went to my sister's house.

Normally I would take it down after New Years.

Whatever you do - make it happen with the least amount of stress.
Once the holidays are over, I want' my home back to normal! It is almost all the way down. Need to take off lights and it will be out of here!
But the holidays aren't over yet! New Years is the Holidays!

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