Odd’s thread of names! (I can suggest names for individual birds, too!)

I need names for 2 Rhode Island Whites:
RIW A 1.jpeg

RIW A 2.jpeg

RIW A 3.jpeg

RIW B 1.jpeg

RIW B 2.jpeg

RIW B 3.jpeg

This thread is great idea! I have a hard time thinking of new names, so I'll probably be back again.
Most of my chickens name are more human sounding or have meaning behind them than cute but still cute none the less! If you are interested here are the names of my chickens :p:
Claire(Chirp), Ginger(Gingy, Ginge), Pidge (Pidgeon), Amelia (like the piolet) Chichuan(pronounced chee-choo-wan), Cowboy, Marilyn, Daisy, Freyja, Peony, Finnegan (Finn),Sprout, Juniper, Lila (Lilac), Chip (Chirp Jr), Peanut

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