Odd looking packing peanut

Your baby is awesome! When I had one that didn't develop as fast I made a mix of B12 polyvite and acidophilis for her stomach with awesome results. You are a great chicken mom!
here he is, pretty much grown up now. his co-star in the first picture is a silkie bantam, they are about the same size. In the second, it is bunbun, who has started following the chicken's lead in taking dustbaths.



Oddball's a good lookin' boy, small but loud. He's sleeping inside these days, I take him out when it's a better time for him to be waking the neighbors.

Oh - he's also had is first haircut. I found him trying to hop the fence (which leads to a busy 4 lane road) and decided to trim his wings.
I can not tell you how much joy and brightness your thread brought to my day

thank you so much ..it is so fun to come up on something like this after not having visited for a while..

and that video was just outstanding ....so are the photos!!!

you get my prize for heartwarming delightful thread!!!!


This thread had made my day. What a handsome little fella you've got there! I loved the pics and video - thanks for sharing!
Yeah, no tail. It caused some confusion for a while, we thought maybe he wasn't a he, but he's crowing now.

he gets to play in the back yard all day when I'm home, around 9pm the ladies to go bed and he and the bunny will hang out by the gate waiting for me to put them to bed too.
We really don't know what he is. He came in with a batch of california whites, but he looks more like a white leghorn.

Without a tail.
He's an escaped experiment. The folks in the egg industry were trying to manufacture tail-less egg layers so they could fit even more in a cage than before!

Well, that's my conspiracy theory.
here he is, pretty much grown up now. his co-star in the first picture is a silkie bantam, they are about the same size. In the second, it is bunbun, who has started following the chicken's lead in taking dustbaths.

Oddball's a good lookin' boy, small but loud. He's sleeping inside these days, I take him out when it's a better time for him to be waking the neighbors.

in these pictures he looks like a little kiwi, only in chicken form lol. he's cute though.​

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