Oddest, Ugliest Poultry Related Nick-Nack

Ok, I dug it out & (sort of) dusted it off... I call it Demon Hen.
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In case you have doubts about this hideous looking piece of 'art', take a look at the close up. This thing is nightmare inducing.
My mom and I used to say, if it's ugly, take it to Antiques Roadshow, it's probably worth a fortune. Who knows, Picasso's nephew may have painted it. ROFL
Loving this thread. Up with kitsch! :D My place is tiny with literally nowhere to put nick-nacs, so I hope to see more of y'alls' stuff!

Same here! We have a small house with big dogs. Nic nacks don't survive playtime.

I do have ONE chicken thingy. I will get a pic tomorrow. Its outside and the light is fading.

Oh wait there are TWO!

Ok 2 pics tomorrow. :D
Loving this thread. Up with kitsch! :D My place is tiny with literally nowhere to put nick-nacs, so I hope to see more of y'alls' stuff!
well most of what I took pics of I don't actually own! I am certainly not buying a giant metal rooster to put in my yard, lol.... You could take your camera to a flea mall and you'll find a veritable treasure trove....
Yay pics! :D :wee

Late but here are my 2 chicken thingies. :)

IMG_20180626_130454.jpg IMG_20180626_130420.jpg
The blue hen pot is from a yard sale like 10 years ago. (She is SSSOOOOOO broody!)

The plant hanger I don't even remember where from.
It was very rusty when we got it. I like it in black. :p

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