Ended Official 2020 BYC Halloween Hatch-Along

Your wife sounds amazing. Anytime I'm moving eggs from the incubator or my shed, I'm popping those little guys in bra lest they lose any more temperature than necessary 😹

I wish my husband was that supportive! He's mostly ok with it cuz it's my money being spent. I'm lucky when he comes home from work some nights and lays down in bed and motions towards my bedroom brooder box and says "hand me a baby, I need the healing power of a chicken." :lau
He sounds pretty good as well.
10 chicks so far, no ducks yet. Out of the 15 chicken, candled 2 and they had died a day or so ago. 3 are still trying.

If the measurement guide at the bottom of the picture is correct, 200’ or so looks about right. Couldn’t find any heat plates :/

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I like your nice big round pen!!!

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