Official BYC Poll: The Worst Predator

The worst predator?

  • Raccoon

    Votes: 698 25.2%
  • Opossum

    Votes: 65 2.3%
  • Weasel

    Votes: 135 4.9%
  • Mink

    Votes: 70 2.5%
  • Mountain Lion

    Votes: 16 0.6%
  • Bear

    Votes: 47 1.7%
  • Coyote

    Votes: 145 5.2%
  • Fox

    Votes: 321 11.6%
  • Eagle

    Votes: 17 0.6%
  • Hawk

    Votes: 474 17.1%
  • Owl

    Votes: 42 1.5%
  • Dog

    Votes: 414 14.9%
  • Snake

    Votes: 33 1.2%
  • Man

    Votes: 105 3.8%
  • Bobcat

    Votes: 58 2.1%
  • Skunk

    Votes: 26 0.9%
  • Rats

    Votes: 56 2.0%
  • Cats

    Votes: 52 1.9%

  • Total voters
Ok, I'm Australian, so I don't know much about raccoons, but,
Really? R they that evil, I think they r sorta cute.
I know an American guy who things we should get rid of the worlds toxic waste supply by feeding it to Americas raccoons.
Why r raccoons to evil?
Ok, I'm Australian, so I don't know much about raccoons, but,
Really? R they that evil, I think they r sorta cute.
I know an American guy who things we should get rid of the worlds toxic waste supply by feeding it to Americas raccoons.
Why r raccoons to evil?

They have amazingly dexterous paws, pretty much like a human hand, with which they can pretty much open anything you devise to keep shut. They are incredibly smart, so problem solving skills are their specialty....meaning anything you lock up, tie down, fasten down or mean to secure in any way they will figure out how to open it~coops, windows, locks, garbage cans, feed cans, etc..

They can climb anything, their jaws are amazingly strong, and they are scavengers, so pretty much anything is on the menu~crops, chickens, rabbits, ducks, eggs, feed, cat food, dog food, trash, garbage, you name it. They can live and adapt easily in urban settings, as well as rural, they contract rabies and distemper quite easily and spread it even more easily due to their proximity to and lack of fear for humans, particularly in an urban setting.

They reproduce easily and will often forage as a family unit, so one family of coon can wipe out a coop full of chickens or a patch of sweet corn, melons, cucumbers, etc., quite easily in one night. They can even quite cleverly snatch a chicken through the chicken wire of a run, so folks will often find chickens that are headless or half pulled through the wire and eaten upon. They can be found in most of the states and adapt easily to most climates, so they reproduce and thrive much like rats.

Cute? Oh yeah...they're cute. Sort of like foxes and dingoes are cute.

Ok, I'm Australian, so I don't know much about raccoons, but,
Really? R they that evil, I think they r sorta cute.
I know an American guy who things we should get rid of the worlds toxic waste supply by feeding it to Americas raccoons.
Why r raccoons to evil?
there nasty animals, my parents and grandparents have lost entire flocks of chickens and pheasants to them, they left nothing but the feet and beaks.

but on topic to your question, they can carry diseases, destroy and rip apart your garbage, can kill all your birds, attack animals and people, rip through fences (chicken wire that is) and the only redeeming factor is there pelts can bring in some small cash, last time i checked you can get maybe 5-10 dollars a pelt which if you catch a few before they kill your chickens it buys a bag of feed or two.

Owls, Hawks, Eagles, Minks, Ermins and Weasel and FOXES are the worst ever!I just lost one of my Pullets,my baby Izzy to aHawk or Owl today!

Sorry to hear about your loss.

I've lost chickens and ducks to owls, hawks, coyotes, and foxes to date. I've been keeping an eye out for hawks ever since a Cooper's killed my favorite duck at the end of October and a red-tailed killed a New Hampshire mix pullet in early Dec. I've learned that when my Muscovies are standing in a group and staring at something, it needs to be investigated because - like today - they could be looking at a hawk (other times, it's a wild turkey, a squirrel, deer, the neighbor's cat, etc.).

A couple of weeks ago, I accidentally scared off a pair of red foxes that were making their way onto my property, too. This time of the year is terrible for predation.
Sorry to hear about your loss.

I've lost chickens and ducks to owls, hawks, coyotes, and foxes to date. I've been keeping an eye out for hawks ever since a Cooper's killed my favorite duck at the end of October and a red-tailed killed a New Hampshire mix pullet in early Dec. I've learned that when my Muscovies are standing in a group and staring at something, it needs to be investigated because - like today - they could be looking at a hawk (other times, it's a wild turkey, a squirrel, deer, the neighbor's cat, etc.).

A couple of weeks ago, I accidentally scared off a pair of red foxes that were making their way onto my property, too. This time of the year is terrible for predation.

I lost my first hen to a hawk a couple of weeks ago. I was walking around the corner to one of my coops and there he was standing on one of my hens tearing her apart. I was so mad! We work so hard for our chickens, it is very disheartening to see them go to predators.
Ok, I'm Australian, so I don't know much about raccoons, but,
Really? R they that evil, I think they r sorta cute.
I know an American guy who things we should get rid of the worlds toxic waste supply by feeding it to Americas raccoons.
Why r raccoons to evil?

We have raccoons, what is the worst predator for you in Australia?
i just lost 2 of my 3 hens to my neighbors dog
the 1st died fast second one had a deep bite mark broken wing and leg had to put her down so sad ;(
i just reinforced the coop door and all is super safe now from the dogs who have been taken by animal control my hen that survived is doing good and she will have new friends this weekend from the same flock that we got her from.
I voted for hawk but actually almost voted for racoon as I currently have one that is trying to demolish my coop by prying off boards. It is outrageous.

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