Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

Wow, what a chicken coop that would make!

my kids would Never get back into the house and i would have to beat the neighborhood kids off of it
It kills me how many Pot plants are on sale here in CA.

Today's said they were "totally legal cause we have our cards" And listed half a dozen phone numbers to call...
there was a 40' grow trailer the other week.... ($20k)

That is a LOT of "legal" weed they are growing for one persons private use, cough cough
Doesn't sound like this person can afford to buy chicken feed. Not sure if they are protected from the cats and hawks. Free ranging in the open and not in a covered run?

I guess that's her chicken house at the bottom.

Date: 2011-10-28, 6:40AM CDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

any unwanted chicken~!!
any breed
any age (1 day old - old geezers)
any sex (really need a hen since my only 2 had enough fighting off the rest of he boys)
even crippled, deformed, etc (had a crooked beak one eyed fella that they were gonna kill at 2 weeks bc he was ugly so i LOVE the 'special needs birds' lol
can't afford much at all since i am trying to build my little flock back up so if the 'specials' are the only free ones i cant get, so be it. but please don't kill the bird bc it's deformed. call me.

i had a small flock of 9 - 1 rhode island, 1 bantam cochin, 1 gimpy buff orphington(born with one eye and crooked beak), and 6 silkies...in about a month, i am down to 4 silkies thanks to stray cats, chicken hawk, and mosquitoes and i need a couple more birds since these 4 have spent the last 2-7 days walking around lost and lonely bc each as lost a buddy.... i just don't have the money to buy to rebuild my little flock so if you have ANY chickens, ANY breed, age, sex, crippled, deformed, I WOULD LOVE TO LOVE THEM AND GIVE THEM A BUDDY since i have 4 birds looking for new buddies, everyone needs a friend lol. i love my chickens and take great care of them (i do my best against the cats, hawks, mosquitoes, etc and i am actually getting a babymonitor to help me hear when things are going down outside) and if it would make you feel better before giving me any of your birds, please, feel free, to come, talk to me, see how i raise them and judge for yourself.

call (leave voicemail) text, emailANYTIME OF DAY R NIGHT and here is where they would live...

•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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