OH dear GOD, I am gonna need help!!! LONG!! PICS!

Yes Deb, if we were closer we would love to come and help.
I feel so sad to think that you are bawling after all this work. Ive got tears now thinking of it. Please cry if it makes you feel better, yes it does cleanse the soul, on a lighter note: I wish I could contact Paul Mccartney, I bet he would love to help if he knew!!!Man he could even helicopter us all over to your place. What a party we could all have together. Why dont we all have a drink or light a candle at 7pm tonight, your time, we can post a pic of us doing this in your cause just for moral support for you. anyone else want in???
Thanks again for all the support. I do have a question....how often will I need to grease thier little legs, and for how long? I will do it every day forever, if this is what it takes. Once I get them in my arms, and start messageing, the all seem to settle down, and actually like it.
I only had to give my 2 oegb 3 doses but a standered would need more. of the vaseline and the all the rotton stuff I just picked off of them.And i wormed them. Just be carfull about your bird and the sick bird's
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Deb, you are a saint, I am amazed that you're taking these guys on.

I wish we lived closer, if nothing else to help out (I think my dh would kill me if I brought any more birds home at this point).

You are the kind of human being the world needs more of.
I have been tending to MY flock first....then the sick ones. Then I come in, change and shower. I have shoe covers..and gloves for handling them. Im not taking ANY chances.LOL So I need to grease thier legs every day...for about a week??
I have been fortunate not to have to deal with any diseases, illnesses, etc so far,
but just curious to know
If you can get rid of all the mites and things, will the barnacles dry up or go away as well??
Keep up your great work. Go ahead and take as many birds that you can handle at a time, rehabilitate them and find them happy homes. This woman is really appauling me. She does not even know that she is abusing them, does she? Do your best, keep your head up, and come rant to us WHENEVER you need to. You are the chicken whisperer.
Deb, maybe you can do it everyday for a week and then down to every other day, etc.. that way they will start to heal faster and be willing to have you handle them by the end of a couple weeks since they know how good it feels. I would introduce extra treats ..such as healthy, good for them stuff gradually as to not to overwhelm them? Their systems can't be good shape at all at this point. Yogurt would help their little insides start to heal. You cannot save them all as much as you want to!
Since it seems that none of us is close to you to help you out ..you must set a limit for yourself. So sad as so many of us want to help you but are so far away....

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