OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

when I get one that has a swollen eye, I spray vetrycin wound and infection spray in their eye 2 or 3 times a day. Check it closer and make sure it isn't turning blue anywhere. Vetrycin will not hurt the eye.

do I get it at TSC? And do you mean the eye itself turning blue or around the eye? It looked whitish underneath the eye this evening.
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Ooh. That would be great, if you do have extras. I'll get back with you around then and see how it goes. That's going to be a hectic time since we're going to be working willy-nilly to get things done (like my extended poultry run *cough* *pointed glare in DH's general direction*) before Gary heads off to basic this month, but I should be able to find time to run up that way. :)
sounds great! I'll let you know.
do I get it at TSC?
yes, it's in the horse section. They make one that's labeled for pink eye but it's stronger and was leary using it for poultry eyes. The equine wound version won't say it's made for eyes.
I mean the eye itself turning blue. If it does then there is damage to the eye and is trying to develop an ulcer. The vetrycin will treat this if it's not super severe.
sounds great! I'll let you know.
yes, it's in the horse section. They make one that's labeled for pink eye but it's stronger and was leary using it for poultry eyes. The equine wound version won't say it's made for eyes.

Thanks! I will go get some tomorrow. I don't want to lose him. He is such a good rooster.
I mean the eye itself turning blue. If it does then there is damage to the eye and is trying to develop an ulcer. The vetrycin will treat this if it's not super severe.

I haven't been able to open his eye yet. He keeps turning his head and won't let us look. I will have DH help me look in the morn. Sorry about the double quote! Crazy computer sometimes does things that I have know idea what happened!

I mean the eye itself turning blue. If it does then there is damage to the eye and is trying to develop an ulcer. The vetrycin will treat this if it's not super severe.
Hey everyone!! Hope everyone is having a great summer! My hatch didn't go so well. Of the 8 I set, only 2 had chicks. At lockdown they were both alive, but only 1 hatched on July 4. It ruptured its yolk sac and died on sunday. So I'm done hatching for now. Had to get rid of 2 of my roos this weekend. They were beating up my marans roo. He is such a gentle soul. He got into another fight yesterday and now his left eye is shut and a little swollen. It looks whitish underneath it. Infection? No oozing or runny eye though. Can someone tell me what I should do for his eye? I don't know if he is depressed, traumatized or his eye is bothering him or all 3. I found him this evening just laying in the yard with his head in the grass. He got right up when I touched him and he is up eating and drinking, just mopey.
Shaybaby~had a broody hatch out 4 a couple of weeks ago. I definitely LOVE
broodies! That is the way to go for me when wanting to hatch eggs. I have had more broodies this year than I have had in the last 5 years put together. Just not when I want them to be!!!
I have 2 now, but I'm not going to let them hatch any. I have all I need just now. I'm hoping these new chicks are all hens!! I don't want or need anymore roos!! How are the silkies?

~Minihorse927~ that Is a cute chick! I just love watching them. The 4 the broodie hatched out are so much fun to watch. I could just sit for hours watching mamma hen with her chicks! The little one that died on sunday was a cutie. Since he was the only one, we would hold and cuddle him. He loved to be cuddled!
, sorry about your bad hatch. I know it's so frustrating waiting impatiently for nearly a month for nothing to come of it.

That's funny. I prefer to incubate because I haven't had a single broody be able to hatch out eggs so far.
Of course, I've only had hens go broody about a half-dozen times so far, but they've all failed miserably as egg-mommies. I tried putting some "good" (showgirl and mille fleur cochin) eggs under my SG hen that's broody now, and she kept burying the dang things and killed them. She's not the brightest crayon in the box, admittedly, but the NN that's also broody did the same thing..let them get too cold while she had her "me time" and killed hers. I just can't trust them.

The buff silkie hen (dubbed Rosie) is doing fantastic. I adore her so much!
She's running with the rest of the flock now and took straight to my black silkie roo (appropriately, "Romeo"). She's his lady and they cuddle alone together in the coop at night lol. Sadly (so so so sadly), the sg roo ("Colonel") passed away suddenly and mysteriously when I was away for a couple days spending time with my sis in Lancaster and left DH in charge of the farm.
Probably wasn't DH's fault, so he is forgiven..but sure wish I knew what went wrong. I just loved that little guy.
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