OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Hey Guys! Im back! Been gone since August feels like. Since ive been gone, we had to put down Ole Copper and a mink got my grandparents 6 ducks that consisted of a magpie drake, a muscovy drake, a pekin hen and 3 muscovy hens. All were young born end of June early July. But we got the mink, a sucker at around 2 ft long. Skinned him and found it to be a male.
Told grandpie to secure the pen better. Oh well...
On the other hand, our cochin hen finally started laying! And probably 7 or 8 of her eggs should hatch New Years Eve or day.

Happy holidays! Sorry I havent been here to say merry christmas. How was the Ohio National for everybody back in November?

Also... I need help identifying a chick we think is a buckeye... ill pull up a pick in a second
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"Rudolph" was born on Dec. 2nd
Here is a picture of 'him' a few days after he hatched.

Here is a picture of him now. What a poser lol, he stood perfectly still, but the poor lighting got a bad picture.

We have narrowed the possible breeds down to Rose Comb Rhode Island Red and Buckeye. All we know is that he is purebred and largefowl and came from a tanish egg. I would ask in the correct forum, but who woulf know more about Buckeyes than my fellow Ohioans? We cant determine the comb.. it seems to spike but his color seems too dark for RIR.

He is very cuddly, has thick legs, and is very fat.
That may be a buckeye but it's not a great type for one. The head is really long and narrow for a buckeye but the coloring looks right.
I know this is a long shot but our Pyrenees went missing 8 days ago. We have looked everywhere and posted this add all over facebook and some dog websites. If anyone can help us out or share this flyer, I would greatly appreciate it

Hello Ohioans I'm from wood county!! By Toledo area.. I'm new to chickens but am very excited to start a little farm when I get home from Afghanistan in a couple months!! I'm looking for some help to get going... I'm looking for supplies to add a fenced in area outside a shed that I'm turning into a full coop. I want my chickens to have a nice big roost and open area to run. I need fencing and roofing. I should have all the wood I'll need from my dad and brother inlaw. If anyone can help me to get the supplies for cheap to start my dream of a small farm I would be very thankful!!! Thank you and god bless!
Happy New Year in a half hour for everyone! We have 9 eggs set to hatch tomorrow morning. All were beautiful when we candled them 3 days ago, so fingers crossed! 3 white polish and 6 cochin eggs made it from the 24 originals.
How'd the hatch go PoultryQueen101?

How's everyone else doing?

I'm sitting here waiting on some chickens to be scanned in at their next destination. They left Atlanta Georgia last night just before 11pm.

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