oil spill rant

Nope now they want to shoot rubber garbage at it in hopes that it clogs it up. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that a company of this size didn't have a better plan than shooting some big chunks of rubber randomly into a hole and praying. Seriously they have highly educated high priced employees on their team and this is all they can come up with?!??!!!? What happened to planning for disasters like this?
While I agree it's something the company should have planned for just in case, isn't the government doing anything to step in? You'd think THEY would have a plan as well.....
Heck I don't know really who should be doing what. I am not in the oil business but frankly this whole thing could have been prevented with a little thought and common sense don't ya think? I don't care if it is Santa Claus someone should be doing something. I just know in my heart this is not the first time a disaster like this has occurred so surely someone with 2 jellybeans for a brain could have figured out that it might happen again and come up with some genius design to stop it in case it did. Ugh I have to stop before my head explodes.
What has me wondering is why a proper back up plan wasn't made a head of time? And why hasn't the goverment contracted the company that has a product that will eat the oil and make it into healthy soil, they should be right on that(the company is waiting for goverment corrispondance) making that stuff like crazy.
Don't want to start a football discussion. One of my employees from Auburn University is spending the summer working down on the coast, he is in that field. If you wish I will get you in touch with the people he's going down with. My oldest daughter graduated from Alabama University and little sister is going to Auburn. I'm sure we will get some birds, as it goes on. I am old enough to remember when they declared Tampa Bay dead, most of the lakes in Lakeland were polluted and dead animals and fish were everywhere. I also cried when I went back later and saw the recovered lakes and the Bay Lets never forget the 11 family's that have no recourse. In my younger days I had friends who worked on those rigs. We can not change what has happened, but let's all help!
There was no protocol. They do not know what to do. It seems these companies are waaay more focussed on payday than being safe. This thing will haunt that company. I wouldn't be suprised to see a "merger" in a year or two so that we all forget. As for the government "doing something" They don't know either. They depend on companies like BP, who contribute to campaigns and scratch eachother's backs
to have all the know how. If something like this naturally happened, the government would probably contract BP to take care of it.

I feel so bad for not mentioning those men and their families in my first post. I think it has to do with what someone else had said... those men are dead but, those animals are dying.... it's the eminent danger that I am so frustrated with. I do feel horrible about their families and they should be on the news... everyday!

Thanks for the links folks... I will check them out.
It is SO tragic.

The reason BP is a leader in the industry is because they "think outside the box"- and dared to put a well in such deep waters. Good for business- but safeguards were never tested at those depths. That should have been done before the rig (or any rig) is set to drill. Regardless- what's done is done, but we can't let this catastrophy slip to the back of our minds. It's going to take years and years before the habitats are recovered. No expense should be spared.

On a brighter note- before I was born the Cuyahoga river caught fire where it fed into Lake Erie. It was sooo polluted. It took decades- but the river & lake have recovered immensely. Even the barges full of gunk the ACOE dredged from the river bottom have sprung into life, creating beautiful (protected) habitats for birds & wildlife. And Lake Erie perch & walleye can't be beat

We can only hope that clean up efforts continue relentlessly, and we see the Gulf region fully recovered as soon as possible.

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