LOL my dal/lab mix HATES water... we were at the beach when she was like 2-3 and I went waist deep and she stood on the beach barking...then she swam around me growling the whole time and then she swam to shore and kept barking... It was hilarious... so much for being 1/2 lab...
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My pugapoo (1/2 pug, 1/2 mini poodle) almost DROWNED in a lake one time. Thank God I was in the water and was able to get to him. The poor dog just can not swim. It's pathetic, really.
You should send in another application under like, your hubbies name or something and just be like "Oh, I am interested in adopting this little puppy. All my other dogs are rescues and I would love to rescue this puppy. Do the puppies come Spayed/Neutered? If not, thats ok, I can have her spayed. I am interested in doing agility. And hope that this lil pup will make a great companion." with the same app. And I bet you a lot she will actually accept that one. What a rude person. Obviously she hasn't been doing this for long. I work with my local rescue and we look at EVERYONES app. Even if from the very beginning they seem horrible. Thats just not professional what she did. Asking questions is something that we LOVE to see in a prospect family. It shows us that the prospective family knows what they are talking about and cares about the pup/dog.
What a rude person she must be in real life. She just caused a puppy to lose what would of been a VERY nice home-to-be.
Well she obviously wasn't worried about professionalism... but I am not going to send in another app because of the pup my hubby brought home (the same night we were DENIED)...It's like 4 days and so far noone has claimed her. I love her and hopefully she'll be with us forever...
I wanted to adopt an akbash for the farm recently. A group in California refused because we were to make a working dog of it. They insisted the dogs spend the majority of its time in the house and have no job. If you know the large LGD dogs, that is a crazy idea. They NEED a job or at least a lotta space.

I started to fill out another application but there were so many wierd questions about it, I figured I'd rather pay for a dog and keep some darn agency outa my business.

Good luck. There will be the perfect dog for your daughter out there for you. And it is that agency's loss. Unfortunately, some, and I realize not all, thank goodness, of these rescue people are pretty wierd, social outcasts. I cleaned house for one and the conditions were deplorable, yet she was a rescuer.
I hear that alot of people that want to work their dogs get rejected for that reason.... Which is crazy because that is what these dogs are supposed to do and unfortunately they will end up in shelters again because of behavioural issues
... It's a shame.
That Labridork looks just like an Irish Setter/Black lab mix.

Our purebred setter escaped her kennel while in heat and found a black lab one-night-stand. Her puppies looked like that.
Wifezilla that's funny you should say that. A couple I train with had a dog that looked just like mine many years ago, they couldn't believe the similarity when I brought her along. Their dog was Black Lab/Irish Setter and similar in temperament too, always on the go. She has a 'crest' on the back of her head like a setter, and flags her tail when she sees something exciting.

She was part of an unwanted litter at the shelter, so i've no clue where she came from. She didn't look much like the puppies she was in with, I don't know whether they had a different dad or weren't the same litter. They were all long legged and black and white, she was the only longhair and much shorter and stockier. I'd thought that she was probably a pretty common mix and assumed her dad was a stray, but perhaps that wasn't the case, or she was born in the country. I just hope I have her as long as they had their dog. They had him put down at 19. I attached a pic of her as a pup, we thought she was part Newfoundland but luckily she was a few weeks older than the shelter thought and didn't grow nearly as big.


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