OK... Male Duck with male problem......


Emu Hugger
14 Years
Mar 10, 2008
a bumpy dirt road in Florida
I noticed one of my Male Pekin Ducks not looking so hot. I noticed a dirty spot on him days ago, but he was active so I thought nothing of it. Well he started acting like he had trouble walking and when I picked him up and washed off the dirt I noticed.... well... his weiner hanging out... LOL. It looked infected or dead skin on it or something. I don't know how long it's been out. I washed him with iodine wash and put him in a cold water bath. What do I do for him now??????????????
Now theres something you don't hear of often. Sounds like you have that under control, I wonder if you should assist in putting it back in place. Not intending to sound bad, but it is accustomed to being in a warm moist enviroment, perhaps its a bit "prolapsed"?
Good luck with it, hope someone with duck knowledge can help you out!
Re: [BantamCallDucks]

the name for it is prolapse

pksfarms <PKSBackyardfarms@...> wrote:

I agree thats toooooo many hens, fertility is not the only thing to
worry about. If you have to many hens the drake will over breed & his
penis will not retract causing him to drag on the ground & drying out
his penis. The only way after this happens is to trim off the dead
part of the penis. He will still be able to breed if he has enough
left to breed with. There is a name for this but I can't remeber what
it is. It was brought to our attention 2 yrs ago when a girl, Milessa
Morgan had a drake that won 7 best of shows & one yr she over bred him
so she took him to a Vet. but the dumb vetinstead of triming him cut
it off COMPLETELY!!!! making him now unbreedable. So yes there is a
danger to having to many hens & over breeding. Recommended is 2-3 per

Savvy seems to know this issue but I would add that I know for dogs when their penis gets stuck out you can wash it with sugar water. That some how moves the blood away and makes it easier to retract.
I dont think that it is swollen like that, I think that its more permanently stuck out. Try it though!!
Im sorry for him and you!!!

Im so glad that its not me that has to snip it off!!!
Amazing that I even thought it was a prolaps, I may have learned something reading BYC! LOL and now one more thought to my poor brain.

As I said, Good luck and try what ever will work!

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