***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Must be an Artist's eye but I too think blrw is such an amazing color. I don'treally like any combs but straight though or I would probably have EEs too.

i agree- the color would be quite a challenge to try to paint! but looking at my little cochin girls, little puff balls with feet- couldn't ask for a prettier group! for now, i don't know that expanding is in the near future- but i am concentrating on the bantams- cochins will always be way up there... and did you know they mumble at me when i talk to them?

Lots of mine seem to have alot to say too. My partridge, Red Rudy, does an angry little dance and hisses if I pass his pen and go to the Millies next door. I just hope our cats don't give the chickens their Lawyer's number. They might try to renegotiate their Scratch contract.
Good gosh! Are you out of the hospital? I know those Dr's like to keep everybody overnight for that kind of thing. Also, I realize I misspelled your name. Sorry about that. I've made a mental note not to do that again.

Yes they let me out this afternoon w/ resting orders. So that is what I did today, but I'll be going back to work tomorrow. It may never happen again or it could be a regular thing, they don't know why it happened, I will follow up w/ a cardiologist later though. I'm used to the spelling thing (price of having an unusual name)

I sure am hoping for you that it is a fluke thing! You are scarring us!
here is a suggestion, i am currently trying it, so can't say its 100%, but talking to some oldersters they swear by it, get some aluminum pie tins, tie them to either trees or poles around the area your chickens like to roam, about 2 foot length of string so they will twist and twirl, mine are about 20 feet spacing, supposedly the shiny reflection deters hawks- they also said to move them periodically- say once a month, hopefully they are right and it will work

My mom used to hang them in the cherry tree to keep birds from eating all the fruit. It was a huge tree for a fruit tree. Mom also encouraged us to climb it and that scarred the birds away too. We put a couple of wooden boards across some branches and we sometimes ate lunch up there. Mom would send sandwiches up in a bucket on a rope. That was a long time ago. She still makes the best latice topped cherry pies.
I haven't seen a hawk for almost two months till today. I went out this morning to check on birds and there was one sitting on the top corner of my pigeon flight. It had its back to me and I got to almost three feet from it before it saw me and took off! About an hour later it was back. But its going to be disappointed. I have decided to make a drastic cut in my bird hobby. So tomorrow all the pigeons and ducks and most of the chickens are going to the auction. Its just to tight right now to justify the weekly feed bill. Hopefully by next spring things will get better and I can rebuild my flocks again,maybe even in Okla!. (always hopeing!lol)Its going to be strange not haveing pigeons and also all the other birds that are going. But since colder weather is comming maybe it will be for the best anyway. I am keeping my EE bantams,I have two of the best roos I have ever had so I want to raise some from them. Also keeping only one trio of motteled OE since the two hens are stting. And of course I am keeping the Icelandic roo since his hens will be here in Oct. And I will keep the 6-8 baby wyandottes that I have raised this year. The older hens are getting to be several years old so I will have a new young flock to start wioth next spring. Also taking two of the three rabbits. So keep your fingers crossed for a good sale.
Its turning off cold here, chance of frost this weekend.
I am holding off on anything that can't justify it's existence (i.e. no matter how much I want two pairs of pigeons and some quail, they aren't worth the feed cost right now). The BSLs that I'm getting from Mike tomorrow & the LF cochin (for the pretty factor) were decided on for specific reasons. Any other chickens are probably going to be bantams, the Jarvises convinced me (and James agreed) that bantam wyandottes are going to be what we pick up next. So most likely unless I run across something really cool at the swap meet tomorrow, it'll just be a laying flock with it's entire laying career ahead of them. I was heavily debating Orpingtons, but now I'm really hesitant because of feed cost... they are really large birds!
I think feed cost are a big factor for everyone. Along with the weather turning cooler.

Anyone going to Newcastle tomorrow? We are staying home, determined to finish the aviary netting & gates for the pens @ the barn. If all goes well my adult guineas will also get a larger run this weekend. I figure as it gets cooler and days shorter they will be penned up longer & will enjoy some extra space.

The guineas I got from Lynn have joined my original flock now. They are doing well together & come anytime they see me walk over to the pen. Glad I don't have to struggle to get them to go in their pen @ night!
Thank's every one on your input...On worming bird's . Just got in from loading bird's an going to lev for the sale in OKC ..THin the Auction at Newcastle ..
Hope to see alot of you ther ..Talkd to Greybear on the phone the place he work's is shuting down keep him an his family in your thot's an prayer's...

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