***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I've done the second part, adding it to stirfry instead of adding meat. I've found that it tastes better AND it's a heckuva lot harder to overcook it when you using eggs instead of strips of meat. I have bad luck with meat in stirfry.

Kass, I assume you use wheat-free soy sauce? Do you have a preferred brand? I haven't eaten stirfry since I was told that I have a wheat allergy because I couldn't find wheat free soy sauce.

I'm considering scrambled eggs as meat in chili to help stretch the ground beef. Think that would work?
I'm going to need to check this out... My birthday is in December (3 days after Christmas) so maybe it'll go on sale!

December 28...... I love that day. Its my birthday too! LOL
Don't get the soaker hoses @ lowes or samsclub then! At sams they have a 2 pk for $10-$12, but sont think i wver got my money out of them. Mine seriously split in 2. It is like they dry rot. I think a few died while in use, but most would last the season & when I pulled them out of the garage next season would be split in places. Only once was it ever the end that tore up, it was always the rubber soaker part that died & that part isn't fixable.

With the drip irrigation, I only had problems loosing sprayer heads--- so I learned to keep an extra package of those on hand. Drip irrigation worked much better for us. Sad we would neve buy another soaker hose...... Could have something to do with Lawton water, maybe the hoses were getting junk buit up on the inside???
I'm going to need to check this out... My birthday is in December (3 days after Christmas) so maybe it'll go on sale!

December 28...... I love that day. Its my birthday too! LOL

old*cowboy :

Cuban how bout a Crossroads report. Did u bring home any oreintals. Are you showing at Shawnee.

I took a few photos that I will share as soon as I can.

I must say I've never seen so many birds in my life! I wasn't even able to see them all. If you ever want to go to a big show like that to purchase fowl, either pre-buy or get there early the first day the show barn opens for coop-in. By noon Saturday, nearly all of the good stuff was gone. Big shows like that are an excellent opportunity to network and meet breeders & breed club members.

I really enjoyed the show, what I was able to see. I was able to meet friends of mine that I'd not have been able to see otherwise (unless I visited there homes on the east & west coast).

The largest display of oriental gamefowl I've seen to date was there. Malay, Thai, Aseel, Shamo, Madagascar Games... Really fantastic birds! I tried to get photos, but the lighting was bad & the birds wouldn't stand still for me. There is an Oriental Hardfeather Club of North America, it was active at the 2010 National in Shawnee, and it was active at the National this year at Crossroads.

If you are interested in joining, visit http://orientalhardfeatherclub.webs.com/contactinfo.htm for the club secretary's contact information.

I will be showing at Shawnee if I can get an entry form. I sent an email to Andy Barns, but have not received a response yet.

I brought back Firefly's bantam favs, a really nice aseel stag for GotGames, and for me: a promising black red cubalaya stag and an exceptional Thai hen.​

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