***OKIES in the BYC III ***

old*cowboy :

A pair of my young ko shamo started laying today. I will be hatching these little boogers before long.

Congrats, Guy!
A while back there was a move to enact a bill which would require everyone who drove a tractor to get a commercial license to drive them on the road. While still in committee, the US Ag Department had committee members make farm visits. They soon realized it would be a horrendous task to monitor and backed off the bill.

As for Oklahoma's no retrieval law...We have replaced fences and have locks on all our gates because of an unscrupulous neighbor. If one of our cows/heifers etc show up on his land it will be because a lock has been cut. We then just have to contact the local sheriff and go with the sheriff deputy to identify our animal. We lobbied against this new bill for the reasons you listed. Good neighbors work with each other. If someone's animal were to get thru the fence to our property, I'd want that owner to come tell us and let us help get their animal home. A man next door to my MIL ran his truck over the barbwire fence so he could run his bull back home and then left the fence in a mess for us to have to repair. Also some "never farmed" elected officials have no idea what goes in to having livestock.

HI. injoyd reading your post on wat you think its got so bad aruond hear that kid's cant even park on the side of the road an fish with out a note from the land owner The fish an game have gave out lots of tickets an say it do's not matter if your fishing under a bridge the land owners place go's to the middle of the road .. They never said any thing tel this law was passd.. We taxs payer's payd for the bridges An payd to put in all the flood control lake's...
Macy went hunting this morn we are waiting for her to come home ..It's a nice day out for this time of yr the leaf's all sure falling fast lot's of dif color's in thim this yr
The Muskcovey duck hasnt hatch yet it seem's like she has ben seting for ever..The Gease startd laying they sure hide ther eggs an make it hard to fined thim .
Seen on the new's peep campd out in front of the store's they must not have a life or chicken's..
Went to see the movie's last night seen some show calld breaking down should have watch the muppet's ..The first one was ok but this part one was not worth the money.
Put some new bird's out in a pen i had thim in the barn for to weeks an 2 of thim killd over dont no wy ges they just couldnt take the cold .
Geting Hungry got to go HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all !!!!

AN THANK'S TO BYC FOR THIS web that brot us all together..AN THE peep that startd it BUCKGUY AL an the other's that helpd..
Happy Thanksgiving!

I haven't finished the green bean casserole yet, but there's plenty of time. Our gathering will not be until 4:30. When my brothers and sisters were little, our Thanksgiving traditions included watching the big parade on TV and watching the Twilight Zone marathon until Mom and Dad made us turn it off. We took turns pointing out the good parts, or explaining that the best part was just a few minutes away, so we often managed to keep the marathon on for the better part of the day. There was always a smess (silly chess) board set up and Dad kept track of who won and who played next: Thanksgiving smess tournaments were grueling. The meal was usually turkey, dressing, curried rice or curried rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy, greed beans, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert. Makes me homesick.

walmart! i say buy local as much as possible...
off to figure out how to cook this turkey- any suggestions?

We cook our turkey upside down. It isnt very pretty when it comes out of the oven but it is nice and moist. We cut into the skin and loosen it up, in several places. Then we stuff those places with garlic butter. Make sure to add PLENTY of garlic to your butter and mix it up real good. It has alway been great. And you never have to baste it, just wrap in foil but it in the oven and walk away. Of course we usually cook ours over night. Cook at about 350 to 375 for about 4 to 6 hours, then turn in down around 150 to 200 for the night.

WOW, I can stand on my head, but not near long enough to cook a turkey
Thanksgiving humor, Happy Thanksgiving all.
Add my wishes for everyone haveing a great day and thankful for all the friends I have found on here. Its not really like friends anymore ,but like family. Its sunny and warm here and hope it is where you are. Don't forget to add a few treats to the birds and critters today as a way of showing them thanks for the enjoyment they give us.
old*cowboy :

We cook our turkey upside down. It isnt very pretty when it comes out of the oven but it is nice and moist. We cut into the skin and loosen it up, in several places. Then we stuff those places with garlic butter. Make sure to add PLENTY of garlic to your butter and mix it up real good. It has alway been great. And you never have to baste it, just wrap in foil but it in the oven and walk away. Of course we usually cook ours over night. Cook at about 350 to 375 for about 4 to 6 hours, then turn in down around 150 to 200 for the night.

WOW, I can stand on my head, but not near long enough to cook a turkey
Thanksgiving humor, Happy Thanksgiving all.​

Its a real chore to stay upsidedown the whole time, but it s worth teh effort. tender moist turkey with garlic butter flavor. the bones stay in place all teh meat is in the pan ahving fallen off the bone. I have met several who did not like turkey until they tried it the way I make it. Steph and I have differing opinions on cooking it, I just keep it at 175-180 for 12 hrs, she like ti turn teh temp up on me which I think dries it out more.

Hope you all have a great holiday with friends and family, wish everyone save travels.

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