***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Thanks for the welcomes

Right now I am looking at birds primarily for regular egg production. Though I have a feeling, that like many things I enjoy, it will evolve in to more at some point. My DS is 11, and he wants one (or more) that are his, so friendly personality is a plus. I spent some time showing dogs so I love to research breeds, traits, etc.

I am looking at two places this weekend, one of which I am already 98% in love with (mature fruit trees, blackberry patch, tilled garden space, oh my).
We get to finish up a basketball tournament tomorrow. Sunday we are clipping sheep...local show is next weekend. Probably should cook some stuff since we have been eating concession stand for awhile. Need to do some cleaning and move some sand. And fill out more application stuff...need to get some stuff scanned.

Your a busy man, you will need to go back to school to get some rest!
Newbie alert!

Hello all :) Just taking a moment to introduce myself. Norman resident, on an active hunt for land in the surrounding area for myself, DH and DS. Currently chicken-less (BOO!) but I grew up in Choctaw on a small farm, and miss it. I want my kiddo to experience some rural action after being such a city slicker. Plus, fresh eggs, he can't believe that they really are better, but proving him wrong will be fun!

Right now I am just doing a ton of reseach, leaning toward Buff Orpingtons to start with once we get moved. And coop plans, oh my. When will that winning Powerball ticket land in my greedy little fingers?

I can talk your ear off about making soap, and land surveying. I am looking forward to learning & hopefully being a contributor of something useful at some point.

We are aren't Native born Okies but live in Choctaw now. I love my chickens and the facination is spreading to my DH. I won't even order eggs at restraunts now.

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