***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Welcome to the new folks.
Sooner...waiting to hear your hospital report
P&B...happy belated birthday wishes...Hope is was a great day.
PocoPollo ...Nice pen
Guy..as usual..a good tip.
Carl...have you candled eggs lately.....hmmm. How are the Cochin eggs doing?

Hubby gets his stitches out and a new biopsy result today.

Lost a hen in the nest box yesterday morning. the last of the BLRW...Joy had started laying again and was doing great. She liked to sleep in the nest box instead of on the roost. She was a beautiful hen.

Red and Gracie got after a coyote this morning. Red got it down and had a few cuts from the battle. Weirdest looking coyote I've ever seen...really small, almost black and had a hunch back. Roger said he had seen it around the hay stack the past few days. It took off across the pasture towards the highway with the dogs in hot pursuit. Had to call them off.

I've been doctoring the little game hen Ginger..she has been sneezing. Giving her a homeopathic tincture and 14 of a Clovamax antibiotic every day for a few days. She is improving and back on her feed and water really well...nice poops again. She has been getting nesty for the past two weeks...still no egg yet.

Thanks for the comment. Sorry to here about your hen
Hi, Gary
How is the hunt coming for a house in the country? Maybe y'all need a Serama rooster so you have a chicken around, without having to build coops in what may be temporary quarters.
That's a great idea. I am going to check that out now. Do you still eat the eggs?
Yep, I do. The Frontline Spray is labeled for poultry. It's the exact same ingredient as the drops but it's in spray form, a bit weaker and $40 a bottle. The spray states that the eggs are safe to eat as the ingredient is spread through the animals oil glands and not internally.

Mark Twain once described a woman as "Being the sort of woman who would own a parrot" One has to wonder what he might have thought about lap chickens LOL
Hmmmm.....I wonder what sort of women does own parrots...? Just what do you think Mr Twain was trying to imply? lol!
Hmmmm.....I wonder what sort of women does own parrots...? Just what do you think Mr Twain was trying to imply? lol!

Lovebirds are parrots...I have 4. Wonder what that says about me.....
Roger's biopsy came back clear this time...Hallelujah. Stitches are out and he is "no longer trussed up like a chicken"....which he did not say around the hens.
Hi everyone! Guess I should have explained this morning. I had talked about it last week & wasn't thinking (not enough coffee). DH did fine on the surgery, we got home around 3 & he is in bed for now.

I was on my kindle at the hospital but couldn't post on the thread or anywhere on the byc, so thanks to Peaches for posting a reply for me.

I am really tired so I don' tknow how long I will hang out tonight. Lil'Sooner has a show in the morning & DS is going to stay home with DH. What fun. The only plus is at least this show is here in Muskogee.
We get to finish up a basketball tournament tomorrow. Sunday we are clipping sheep...local show is next weekend. Probably should cook some stuff since we have been eating concession stand for awhile. Need to do some cleaning and move some sand. And fill out more application stuff...need to get some stuff scanned.

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