***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Micheile - Good to see you again. Let me know if any of the babies you picked turn out to be boys.

I bought some 3/4" EMT (Electric Metallic Tube?) conduit at Lowe's to make a pasture pen. The clerk working the electrical isle argued with me about getting a bender. He said all I need to do is mark the conduit and have my husband hold one end and me the other and then bend the tube over a fence or post or rock or whatever we've got that won't break. I told him I needed to be a bit more precise and had to work without the help of my spouse, and he shook his head like I was making some horrible mistake and told me to go ahead and waste my money. Good thing this guy's not a doctor.

Cass - I've got at least forty eggs going into lockdown tomorrow. This will be the group to caponize; the boys, anyway. If they hatch on time, they will be four weeks old on March 17th. We can set our C date from there.

Of course he forgot to mention to fill it with sand so it would not kink! I use a bender all of time for projects and it is the only way to go.

You can forget the Texas "all game" bantam show too. It's limited by not including the bantam oriental games. :(

I don't think I can handle 100, even for a little while. I did see small order specials on a few sites. I would rather get them locally, but if that's not possible I will order online. I'm not picky about the breed as long as they're heat and cold hearty. I would like Barred Rocks, but I don't have to have them. Older pullets instead of chicks are better, but I know they're harder to find.

Atwoods in this area will be getting chicks on the 20th of this month. You might check your local farm & ranch stores.

I'm going with male, though largish manly females are possible with NN crosses.
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Good Morning!! Great news on POOPS, looks like there will be alot of planning going on between the two events!! I am excited to have them both.

I have been really busy at work the last couple of days so I haven't been online :( Might be getting a cold thanks to the weather going back & forth all the time.

Hope everyone spent some time with their valentine!
Good morning Sooner. Did Poco Pollo get a hold of you about t-shirts for the N.E. Okla. swap? She posted about it awhile back but I'm not sure if you two got together on it. Hope you feel better.
We've got thunderstorms here. Anyone else getting rained on?

Thanks for the input on Clarice. I don't have any other NN crosses hatched yet to make comparisons, so I'm just wishing out loud. I'm in awe of the tree trunk legs on that chick: just like Daddy.

I will check the feed store in Haskell and the Coop in Coweta for bulk seed. Thanks. I've been inundated with seed catalogs and had a brain block about local sources.
Good morning Sooner. Did Poco Pollo get a hold of you about t-shirts for the N.E. Okla. swap? She posted about it awhile back but I'm not sure if you two got together on it. Hope you feel better.

I'm still thinking about T-shirts for NEOCS. I will let you know on the planning thread, probably next week, once I mull it over some more. Mull, mull, mull.....
Must.... drink.... caffeine !!!

There's nothing like a glass of sweet tea to start the day with since I don't drink coffee. That early morning jolt is what I need today.

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