***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Grasshopper stuff just arrived via fed ex. It exp 4/15, but stays good 2 months past exp date if stored in the freezer. So in the freezer my bag went. Now I just had to find where those grasshoppers hatch then I will be able to take action!
Been seeing lots of yellow butterflies this wk. I am sure the grasshopper army will appear soon.
Wednesday my plastic mulch gets laid for the garden. -- fingers crossed no rain. They said it takes 8 hours to lay the mulch & irrigation! I offered lunch but they said they would bring their lunch. Maybe I will bake them cookies or something...... At least I can send them home with eggs!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Sunday the weather is suppose to be fabulous!

Do you know what a grasshopper egg looks like? I do not. I read they are more likely to live and breed in the taller grassy weedy areas.
Been out doing further introductions to the gang and found my Welsummer roo laying in the bottom of his pen no damage and hasn't been ill just stopped living I guess, I'll be looking for his replacement then, he was from eggs I hatched that I got at POOPS last year so he wasn't old no idea what could have caused it,
Anyway here are some pic's I just took while out and about :)

Princess and the New Guy, he hasn't told me his name yet LOL
Grasshopper stuff just arrived via fed ex. It exp 4/15, but stays good 2 months past exp date if stored in the freezer. So in the freezer my bag went. Now I just had to find where those grasshoppers hatch then I will be able to take action!
Been seeing lots of yellow butterflies this wk. I am sure the grasshopper army will appear soon.
Wednesday my plastic mulch gets laid for the garden. -- fingers crossed no rain. They said it takes 8 hours to lay the mulch & irrigation! I offered lunch but they said they would bring their lunch. Maybe I will bake them cookies or something...... At least I can send them home with eggs!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Sunday the weather is suppose to be fabulous!

Good eggs are better than cookies and they might come back wanting to buy eggs.
This will be my first year to use it, but I figured this has the makings of a very bad grasshopper year. They were so bad last year w/ the heat and all, and not much of a winter (even so still YAYYYY on that). I didn't get much garden damage from them, but "the stitch in time" addage or "ounce of prevention vs lb of cure"

Those squash bugs destroyed my gourd vines last year. I can't remember what is recomended to deal with them.
Haven't had grasshopper problems yet but it seems that when i read about a garden problen on the thread it soon shows up at my place. I read about the mold spoining sprouting seeds and now some is messing with the cat grass I grow for our cats!!!
NO NO NO you have to make it.. There is a prize for champion Rosecomb clean leg... the birds have to be there to win... It's a great experience you will enjoy it..

Im a shaken in my boots, no, my socks! Really, well, part of it is I got soaked by the water hose before I got me chores done. BBBRRRRRRR!
OSU ext sheet 7196-4 ---- grasshoppers lay there eggs in ditches, pastures & field margins that are not tilled. 30lbs of grasshoppers eat as much as a 600lb steer!!
They lay their eggs under the soil so we usually dont see them until the soil warms & they hatch. And the best part is grasshoppers thrive in areas that get less than 30 inches of rainfall so yrs following drought are the worst infestations!
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Im a shaken in my boots, no, my socks! Really, well, part of it is I got soaked by the water hose before I got me chores done. BBBRRRRRRR!

I promise it will all be good.. You wiull be fine and if have any questions ask... most everyone there will be happy to help.
Must haves for a show:
Smile on face, intent to talk a lot, because we do...
A clean smooth rag to wipe birds down,
A touch of clean water in case...
Baby wipes for legs and feet
Vaseline, vopo-rub, or vetRX and a q-tip for comb and face.

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