***OKIES in the BYC III ***

No appearently they were all about my order.

Wow! Surely the threatening one didn't come from this board. Everyone seems to nice and upbeat. Does someone here have a mafia background?
What did the guy say to you about it? I find that very funny that he suddenly had the time to call you like jcat said after all the trouble you had monday trying to get them. Did you find a place on their website that says no guarentee on small orders? Especially after $45 for shipping?? That's ridiculous! Sounds like these people are were ripping you off from the get go, not telling you they were coming to begin with.
Kassaundra! Sorry about the troubles you've had! There were a bunch of NN chicks (pullets by the feathers) at the Broken Arrow Atwoods this afternoon. They looked about 4 days old. There was also one poor lonely duckling by itself in a bin. No, I didn't get it...

A very calm & gentle female Great Pyrenees just showed up at my downtown house this morning....she is BIG. I don't know what to do with her. She is friendly and gets along with my little JRT, but she's HUGE. I put a "found" ad on Craigslist. Maybe her owners will see it.
Wow! Surely the threatening one didn't come from this board. Everyone seems to nice and upbeat. Does someone here have a mafia background?
What did the guy say to you about it? I find that very funny that he suddenly had the time to call you like jcat said after all the trouble you had monday trying to get them. Did you find a place on their website that says no guarentee on small orders? Especially after $45 for shipping?? That's ridiculous! Sounds like these people are were ripping you off from the get go, not telling you they were coming to begin with.

Appearently the last e-mail before he called made his wife cry so he made it a point to call me. He says they did not get the message Sat, and they only got one of the many voice messages I left on Mon. He has agreed to replace them only if the lady at the PO will admit to seeing all the dead chicks before leaving the post office. I did find the statement on his site, I either over looked it or didn't understand it applied to my order b/c when I talked w/ him about the order I increased my order to 15 instead of the preset amount of 10 for a "small order" so he said something to the effect it wouldn't get the small order fee added to it, so I was thinking my order was no longer a "small order". I knew shipping chicks was expensive when I ordered so overall for the total price I didn't feel ripped off at all, the overall price was comperable to what I was expecting to have to pay for shipped chicks and the colors I wanted.
with all the sadness at loosing the nn, thought you'd enjoy hearing my bantam faverolles began hatching under the broody!! i thought the chicks were due friday.... went to check mama and someone is peeping!!you don't want to mess with this girl when she is on eggs!

I believe the weather man lied agian, he said it wasn't going to rain until tonight so I was going to have all day to finish planting what I could and then let God water it in. Even worse if it keeps raining I may not be able to work in the garden at all and may actually have to .............................................................................. do house work!!!!!

'I just had an Epiphany - If the inside of my house was outside I would be a much more eager housekeeper.
Well no longer in hatchery limbo, finally got a hold of them, they are not going to do anything about the deaths, he basically called me a liar on the phone. In his defense though the lady at the post office that Gary opened the box in front of (at the hatcheries request) denies that Gary opened the box in front of her. I called the post office myself this morning after talking to the man at the hatchery, she denied it to me too.

Wow! not good for that hatchery! You have got friends that talk.
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with all the sadness at loosing the nn, thought you'd enjoy hearing my bantam faverolles began hatching under the broody!! i thought the chicks were due friday.... went to check mama and someone is peeping!!you don't want to mess with this girl when she is on eggs!

Awesome news!!!! Yes she looks brutal.
Kass, that's sort of funny (to me reading) about the hatchery haha! He probably doesn't think it's so funny though. I think it sucks the way they did you but usually no amount of complaining is going to change things once someone has already crossed the line of decency like they did. It's haunting to think of those poor tiny babies dying in a dark box somewhere. At least the ones who died with you got to be cared about, that's something anyway.

with all the sadness at loosing the nn, thought you'd enjoy hearing my bantam faverolles began hatching under the broody!! i thought the chicks were due friday.... went to check mama and someone is peeping!!you don't want to mess with this girl when she is on eggs!
How many eggs did you have? 8? I can't wait to see how many hatch! Are all the Bantam Favs under the broody?
sorry to hear of all the problems... We have been a certified hatchery for some time now, And I will openly state you got taken.. A chick box with pad is $4 at cost, and the chcik heating pads are $2. Express (3 day agurantee) for a 25 count of chicks is fixed at 8.50 less if you ship mass quantities and prepay for shipping. all the prices I provided are for small quantities. The PO should never allow shipments of live animals chciks included that are not express.
I no longer sell or ship chicks with the exception of shipments to good friends who are helping to work on some varieties of birds that need the help. But I never had a shipment cost me more that $15 total for chicks.

As to the amount of email the hatchery recieved that is no surprise, you are an Okie, and this thread is very active even for many who either do not post or no longer post. We are all quite similar, easy going and good friends to have as the last group of individuals that you want to know of problems caused by others unless you want them to experience some reprocussions. We are all nice on the front end but once set off it is not likely a pretty site.
sorry to hear of all the problems... We have been a certified hatchery for some time now, And I will openly state you got taken.. A chick box with pad is $4 at cost, and the chcik heating pads are $2. Express (3 day agurantee) for a 25 count of chicks is fixed at 8.50 less if you ship mass quantities and prepay for shipping. all the prices I provided are for small quantities. The PO should never allow shipments of live animals chciks included that are not express.
I no longer sell or ship chicks with the exception of shipments to good friends who are helping to work on some varieties of birds that need the help. But I never had a shipment cost me more that $15 total for chicks.

As to the amount of email the hatchery recieved that is no surprise, you are an Okie, and this thread is very active even for many who either do not post or no longer post. We are all quite similar, easy going and good friends to have as the last group of individuals that you want to know of problems caused by others unless you want them to experience some reprocussions. We are all nice on the front end but once set off it is not likely a pretty site.
Wow I never realized it was that inexpensive to ship chicks, they (hatcheries) always charge so much more then that. I do truly appreciate everyone "having my back".

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