***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I'm absolutely not keeping any Lavender Ameraucana boys so if any of these 5 are boys they're up for grabs for free. They're beautiful! Their color really truly is Lavender, darndest thing I ever saw, purple chicks. NoCityBoy-the male Brahmas are still yours if you want them, otherwise they're up for grabs, too. There's one who's my favorite I'm keeping either way. I know you wouldn't want the crooked beak one for breeding, I'll figure something out for that one. Carl hatched out *1* LF Faverolles for me that came from my big Favs here and it happens to be a boy. I've got 4 in the incubator but don't know if they're fertile yet.
Rebecca, I still have that Splash Cochin boy, he's seemingly healthy but I'll keep him here for awhile to be sure. I'd feel like a real heel if you took him and he got any of yours sick.
Ok, the blabbermouth will shut up now. (Let it go, Jim lol)

I would be interested in 1 or 2 of the lavender ameraucana boys. They would be lovely for my breeding program. As for the cochin roo boy, I still want him really bad. What about POOPS? Do you want to wait, until then or do you need to get rid of him sooner? Just let me know.

Power is back on!!! For now anyways....
Reading Making Your Small Farm Profitable & it breaks down how many hours per year different crops & livestock take.
100 laying hens 40 hours a yr -- we must be cleaning our coops too often, spend about 10 hours a wk between feed water & cleaning. But that is DD doing the "work" to care for her birds and me assisting. By assisting I mean reminding, lifting, double checking & then go back & doing the parts she forgot. Just checking for eggs & taking care of feed & water is at least 30 min a day though if I do it without her help.
500 broilers book states 9 hours a yr-- thinking that is WAY off. They must not be processing them theirselves
100 turkeys - 10 hours a yr
Few non chicken numbers that apply to this group
Honey bees-- 6.2 hours a yr per hive
Dairy goats---1.2 hours a yr per doe. --- thinking they are WAY off!
It also breaks down the labor for several field & garden crops. Some I expected but it list tomatoes to be almost equal I labor to okra. Never would have thought that. Maybe picking tomatoes is just more pleasurable than picking okra.
Just starting on the book, but in the beginning it states the best thing you gain from your family farm will not be any crop but children who are hard workers with a good work ethic.... Loved that part!
Those figures just do not seem right. I think kids now a days need to learn good work ethics. As a teacher, I have serious concerns about the youth today because a lot of the kids I see are lazy and act like they are entitled. I must say though that I am very proud of all the BYC kids, they are all well mannered and behaved. Gives me hope for the future.
Okay I will step off my soap box now!

Any chance there is more than one woman at the post office?? Maybe it's a different lady he opened it with?
I would file a complaint, if it were me. My chicks come into Norman and they all know me by now, so I do not have any problems.

Just let me know when and we can figure where to meet
Kass- i think you need to post your experiences with that hatchery in the hatchery section and warn people off from using them... even post it on FB, just get the word out so no one else has to deal with the heartache and loss of money in dealing with them..:(
You can bet that none of us will be ordering from them. I recommend Welp and Purely Poultry hatchery. Always had great service, birds have been very healthy, everything is up-front and they are very friendly to deal with. Ideal is good but I have not had good luck with their birds. Always seemed weak and not very good quality even for hatchery birds.

Now that is just cute. Better get my buns in gear and get some baskets and stuff made. It would be a good idea if everyone who is going to bring stuff for the auction can post pictures, that way people can start planning for things they may want to buy raffle tickets for.

No appearently they were all about my order.
Bwwaahhhahaha!!! Okay now I don't condone threatening people but I actually was going to email this hatchery to let them know I would not now or ever order from them because of how they treated you. I guess I got beat to the punch line.

Wow! not good for that hatchery! You have got friends that talk.
And talk, and talk, and talk. hehehe!

Wow I never realized it was that inexpensive to ship chicks, they (hatcheries) always charge so much more then that. I do truly appreciate everyone "having my back".
Kass, I have to say you really got the once over with this hatchery. I almost choked on my water when I read how much they charged you for shipping. Dang that is highway robbery, even for 15 chicks. Google "poultry hatcheries" and check out their sites. Once again Welp and Purely Poultry have always done good by me and their prices are fairly consistent with the other hatcheries.
Also in the future if you want to order some birds and do not want to get a full order, let us know there are probably someone or two who would go in an order with you. Matter of fact if you want to try Welp, I would go in with you because they are one of the few hatcheries that sell LF cochins. And you know I am all about those.
Sorry that you had such a bad experience with your hatchery order.
Hi everyone. Being a full time student and a full time teacher seems to keep me really busy and really tired. So I thought I had six pullets. But one of them seems to be a roo. I kinda had a feeling. And then yesterday when I got home my dad brought it up that the white one has to be a male. Well. Not what I wanted but oh well!!!
Things happen right. I am gettiing my brooder re-done for the eggs I have sitting in the bator. Can't wait until Saturday when they are due to hatch!!

That basket is too cute!!!!!

And Kass sorry about your loss.

I placed my turkey boy (sniff) and put the 2 turkey girls in the back yard so that freed up a ton of space. The Splash Cochin boy is in with 2 girls in an 8x16 pen that I don't need for anyone else so POOPS is fine. I'm so glad you'll take a Lavender boy or 2! I'm already sweating hatching the 6 Moderns and 4 Favs in the incubator. I'm so scared there'll be a bunch of boys and I won't be able to find someone to take them. I don't suppose you'd be interested in an LF Faverolles male, would you....? lol
What a day. Lets start with yesterday. Got up to find one of my game roosters had been near killed by something. I figured it might have been a small dog. But have later come to think it was a coon that maybe Bear had ran off before it could get it all the way killed. At 2 this morning my wife woke me saying Buster was barking. I then made a trip around the farm with the shotgun. Saw nothing and chickens were all present and accounted for.

Got home and looked and saw where whatever had been doing the damage had also got 3 of my 2 month old asils out of their outside pen. Also see where it had been in each live trap and got bait, but only one was set off. I reset live traps and set 4 steel traps this eve. I have officialy declared war at my house.
Hope you catch the varmit!!

An update on the knuckle footed calf, the foot is now in a more normal position, took the vet wrap and stuff off that was used to help stretch the tendon on sunday, another old people rodeo getting it off. He has been walking around fairly well, a lot of improvment from where he started at, but still has some to go, am hoping that with him bearing weight on that foot now that it will stretch out the rest of the way. Time will tell.
I bet he will be bounding around in no time!

Nana it sounds like you will have your hands full with multiple calves all spring! They are so cute to watch, but I spend enough time keeping both neighbors cattle in their fences. People always talk about how hard it is to fence in an area for goats, but I am certain cattle can be just as sneaky getting out of a fence.
I am sure some those north of me will be seeing storms most of the day. Stay safe & dry.
Good fences make good neighbors. The cattle owners are supposed to be responsible for the fencing...better to keep them in than lose them. We enjoy watching the calves so much...love it when they find their legs and fly around the pasture with their tails in the air...with the young moms trying to keep up.

Wow!!! This is sooooo cute!! POOPS is Coming!!

Appearently the last e-mail before he called made his wife cry so he made it a point to call me. He says they did not get the message Sat, and they only got one of the many voice messages I left on Mon. He has agreed to replace them only if the lady at the PO will admit to seeing all the dead chicks before leaving the post office. I did find the statement on his site, I either over looked it or didn't understand it applied to my order b/c when I talked w/ him about the order I increased my order to 15 instead of the preset amount of 10 for a "small order" so he said something to the effect it wouldn't get the small order fee added to it, so I was thinking my order was no longer a "small order". I knew shipping chicks was expensive when I ordered so overall for the total price I didn't feel ripped off at all, the overall price was comperable to what I was expecting to have to pay for shipped chicks and the colors I wanted.

It is hard to imagine the po lady wouldn't want to help you get your chicks replaced. Hopefully if you get her to confirm the deaths, the hatchery will not charge you a huge shipping rate again.
The man at Cedar Creek should have informed you that 15 was still not going to be shipped priority.
Quote: she has drawn blood... one serious girl!

there are 6 under her- and another 7 in the bator- those aren't due for another couple weeks- and this broody is a snarling monster!!LOL!

As to the amount of email the hatchery recieved that is no surprise, you are an Okie, and this thread is very active even for many who either do not post or no longer post. We are all quite similar, easy going and good friends to have as the last group of individuals that you want to know of problems caused by others unless you want them to experience some reprocussions. We are all nice on the front end but once set off it is not likely a pretty site.

well put- we live around here with a code of honor- we are family, and don't take it lightly

question- have a sicly chick- the runt- finally gave her a sock nest and she is sleeping- anything else i can do? she hatched sat nite, is drinking now, but wobbly

I got a good count on my hatch tonight I have 66 healthy chicks most of them are Buff Orpingtons then RR reds, Barred Rocks and a few Welsummers I had helped more than half of them out of the shell since they were sticking to the lining and had to cull about a dozen that weren't going to recover from it so not as bad a hatch as I was thinking but it will be better the next set which goes in tomorrow I will have the hatchers up and running well ahead of time I can't do that again,

I'm going to have several things to donate to the raffle and working on a couple ideas that might be cool for that as well, may not be anything as cute as the basket that was posted that is awesome but will be alright LOL

Kass you know we all have your back I think for the most part this is a great bunch of folks that hang out here on the thread and would do the same for most anyone here, It is good to know that their first response is to consider you the liar and they are more interested in proving that (hate that you had to find out that the hard way) but I think they could have saved one more customer (yourself) if they'd been a bit more open to it just being a glitch that things had just gone wrong, Word of mouth is a powerful thing, I had bought about 5 pounds of Red Wiggler earthworms from a seller online and the post office delivered them to my mailbox hanging it on the flag in a plastic bag, when I got off work I didn't have a package hanging on my box a few days later I called to find out where my order was and found out that it had been delivered and then stolen, The seller had no responsibility to replace the worms but did anyway I agreed to pay the shipping which wasn't much and I was happy (not with the post office for putting a delivery on display on a state highway) I have done business with the seller since and would again because he was more aware of what return business was worth to him,
I've added newer items to the top of the list:

POOPS is coming and the list of raffle items is beginning to grow.
Here are some of the items to tantalize your interest!!!!

Jaquard dish towel in red with a rooster pattern

hand-made necklace with Peacock Jasper pendant and swarovski crystal; brown and maroon

baskets for the "kidlets" with chicky items and a gift basket of "chickeny type things" for the adults

A pair of Partridge Barnevelders and the cage

Decorative tiles with chicken themes and the 2012 POOPS t-shirt logo

a couple of plywood nestboxes built by a young craftsman

some eggs, week old keets or chicks .... Possibly seedlings of some kind

A trio of birds

a lot of chicken related stuff, knick-knacks, decorative items...some stuff for the kids, too

A dozen Columbian Wyandotte hatching eggs

homemade soaps

A basket of "neat lil goodies" all the way from Barnswallow "to show how much we love and miss yall."

Hand beaded glass earrings with little chicks.

Chicken theme hot pads

If you have an item for the raffle for POOPS, send me a PM. If you can send pictures, I'll post those to tantalize our crowd. Remember the proceeds from the raffle help pay for future events.

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