***OKIES in the BYC III ***

The Mandrains are suppose to do well in the same pen with pheasants but not with chickens. So you will need to also get pheasants to keep them company. I see lots of different advise on how much space to give them. Many say at least 100 sq ft per bird. We can try to hatch some, but they lay up to 30 eggs a yr & April is usually the month they lay. We built a 10*10 pen inside the 28*28 peafowl pen so we could contain them for now. If not we would have lost them already. After we let them into their pen last night it was a game of hide & seek. We were standing out there with flashlisghts trying to find them They are sneaky little things & hide very well. You can't even here them move.

Cathy glad your eggs are pulling through! The keets look like they have lots of feathers I think after this cold spell I would put them out in the day & see how they do, you can bring them back in at night if you are worried about them chillingI have had 9 keets hatch so far today. They are popping out fast. Last wk it was the first eggs of the yr I had sat, and I know it isn't a recomended thing to do. However, 16 keets did hatch, so it was worth it! This wks eggs seem to already be doing MUCH better! DD will be thrilled, I see some colors we didn't hatch last wk so that makes it even better!

We sat the Serama eggs & BCM eggs that I won in the raffle last night. Also the eggs from MJ & tgperg. I have no plans for seramas or bantam cochins, but I am sure DD has big plans.
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The chickie doos and the big girls are all free ranging together today, so far so good. The chickie doos aren't bulllying the big girls yet! lol lol
I had to go get shavings to replace the straw in the babies pens, right? I was unprepared for the Porcelain D'Uccles and Golden Sebright chick. I wasn't warned. So WHOMEVER it was who neglected to warn me-it's your fault, not mine. I refuse to take responsibility for someone else's neglect

I got 2 little D'Uccles and the lone Sebright chick. All hatchery stock and all had poop caked in their tiny toenails :-( I felt so bad for them. They've all had baths and blow dried now. Their secondary wings are feathered out so I'm thinking they're several weeks old.
Did I mention they're adorable???
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I had to go get shavings to replace the straw in the babies pens, right? I was unprepared for the Porcelain D'Uccles and Golden Sebright chick. I wasn't warned. So WHOMEVER it was who neglected to warn me-it's your fault, not mine. I refuse to take responsibility for someone else's neglect

I got 2 little D'Uccles and the lone Sebright chick. All hatchery stock and all had poop caked in their tiny toenails :-( I felt so bad for them. They've all had baths and blow dried now. Their secondary wings are feathered out so I'm thinking they're several weeks old.
Did I mention they're adorable???

mitzi, your such a putz!!!!!

you knew they had those chicks, your just trying to make it look good!!!

you cant convince me you went there completely unaware they had babies you would want, of course that would be ANY babies.

wont be too much longer you will have to move to a bigger place so you will have room for the birds!!!!!!!!
I had to go get shavings to replace the straw in the babies pens, right? I was unprepared for the Porcelain D'Uccles and Golden Sebright chick. I wasn't warned. So WHOMEVER it was who neglected to warn me-it's your fault, not mine. I refuse to take responsibility for someone else's neglect

I got 2 little D'Uccles and the lone Sebright chick. All hatchery stock and all had poop caked in their tiny toenails :-( I felt so bad for them. They've all had baths and blow dried now. Their secondary wings are feathered out so I'm thinking they're several weeks old.
Did I mention they're adorable???
LOL My husband heard the chicks in the background when I called him from Atwoods. He said "they still have chicks? No you can't get any!" lol. Luckly they didn't have keets because he said nothing about not getting keets he just said no chicks!
looky what i found in the duck pen yesterday morning.

just ignore the oeg chicks, they are outside playing right now.

i gots baby scovies, and mitzi doesnt!!!! nanner nanner boo boo!!!!

Cathie, ok so let me get this straight....if they say 'no chicks' it doesn't apply to ducks, or keets or adult chickens, right? Ok, I'll remember that.

looky what i found in the duck pen yesterday morning.
just ignore the oeg chicks, they are outside playing right now.
i gots baby scovies, and mitzi doesnt!!!! nanner nanner boo boo!!!!
I'm properly jealous, I love baby ducks. But you just wait 2 months when you can't keep a single container of water clean on your property because the ducks are pooping in it and we'll talk then.

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