***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I'm having way better luck with these Brinseas, Jim. Only 4 of the 12 Cochin eggs from the auction were fertile but 3 of the 4 fertiles hatched :)
Out of the 14 shipped Cochin eggs only 7 were fertile and 2 were early quitters, there's only 5 of those left that might hatch. I really like these Brinseas a lot though.
Still deciding if I'm going to try for some LF Faverolles from my group. I'd sure like to have some more girls.
I have 2 Modern eggs, would you take both if they hatch??
you dont want them?

yeah i'll take em if you want, just let me know.
I had to go get shavings to replace the straw in the babies pens, right? I was unprepared for the Porcelain D'Uccles and Golden Sebright chick. I wasn't warned. So WHOMEVER it was who neglected to warn me-it's your fault, not mine. I refuse to take responsibility for someone else's neglect

I got 2 little D'Uccles and the lone Sebright chick. All hatchery stock and all had poop caked in their tiny toenails :-( I felt so bad for them. They've all had baths and blow dried now. Their secondary wings are feathered out so I'm thinking they're several weeks old.
Did I mention they're adorable???
I wonder how much spce it would take in your signature if you listed each breed and the number of birds each.....Bet it would take a lot!!
Carmen, one of the white cochins laid her first egg today and boy was she telling the world about it.

Annabelle is still on Tylan 50 and is improving slightly. Started using Denegard (tiamulin) in her water today. If needbe, will switch to penicillin G procaine instead of the Tylan 50.

I've moved babies up to bigger cages today and moved the brood hens and babies to a floor pen.
Going to keep the 10 blue cochin babies in their tub for one more week...they puddle on the floor of the tub directly under the light...so they may still need the 85 degree level since the weather has changed.
Started using Corid in the water on those lethrgic babies and they have perked right up eatting and jumping round.

Was able to water most of the garden this morning. will finish the last 4 beds in the morning.
Dug our first nwe potatoes and will cook them tonight with fresh peas. YUMMY!

Sure have enjoyed all the pictures of POOPS acquisitions.!
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Elwood, I got all the bamboo planted, thanks. That is sure some red cement, oh I mean clay! lol Hope clay soil isn't a requirement.
Elwood, I got all the bamboo planted, thanks. That is sure some red cement, oh I mean clay! lol Hope clay soil isn't a requirement.
LOL Glad you got it okay, and no the cement isn't a requirement in fact the bamboo likes a lot of organic matter in the soil but it will grow just about anywhere as long is it gets plenty of sun, the clay here is a fact of life that's why I compost everything that don't move and compost the moving things when they quit moving, My soil needs all the help it can get :)
I just want to hatch them and baby them and play with them for a few wks lol If you'll take them I'll add them to the incubator when the others go in Thur. I've got 3 now and will probably have 1 or 2 more by then. Want them all?? Here's the parents. See? He's doing his best Flamingo Pose for you.
I just want to hatch them and baby them and play with them for a few wks lol If you'll take them I'll add them to the incubator when the others go in Thur. I've got 3 now and will probably have 1 or 2 more by then. Want them all?? Here's the parents. See? He's doing his best Flamingo Pose for you.
yep i will take em, and you might as well throw in the parents too!!!! snicker snicker snicker!!

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