***OKIES in the BYC III ***

You should get lots of signs come November. We got all of ours during the election cycle in 2010. The City of Edmond said that come 7 pm election night we were welcome to take down all the signs we wanted, as it would save them having to do it. I got a bunch of t-posts that way too.
I want to buy Oxine locally too!
Thanks, that is what I told hubby we had to wait for the elections this year to get some. I was thinking someone said Bixby feed store has the oxine but not 100%, I am willing to drive up there and get some if so. We use it to clean the brooders each week and then when I move birds outside I always use it between batches of birds. Then once every week or two depending on time I have I wash all the water bowls and feeders and then dip them in Oxine before putting them back in the coops.

Mitzi, I am so happy to hear about your little baby!!!! That is great she didn't need surgery to fix it!

Christina we use instant rice for breakfast around our house. The kids love to make it in those boil in bag things. Then add sugar and a bit of butter and milk, yummmmm. Think that may be what we have tomorrow morning, now, haha.
Cathie, hate to break Kurt's heart but Ashley won't be joining us (I think it is her weekend at her dads). Her & Alexis do lots of stuff together & Taron is good friends with Ashley's sister so it works out very well. Alexis will be at the auction, but it was Ashely that Kurt is really interested I believe.

Mitzi glad to hear that your girl has improved.

We lost a blue chick from jacks eggs. Yesterday it was sitting all by itself & wouldn't move. I picked it up still wouldn't move. Put it under the light & still didnt move. No signs of anything wrong it just stopped thriving I think.

But our guineas are doing great. Think we ended up with 64 keets & I originally set 8 dz eggs. So I am happy with that considering that hatch we had last wk. The next few wks we have keets hatching twice a wk, going to get pretty noisy around here.
Cathie, hate to break Kurt's heart but Ashley won't be joining us (I think it is her weekend at her dads). Her & Alexis do lots of stuff together & Taron is good friends with Ashley's sister so it works out very well. Alexis will be at the auction, but it was Ashely that Kurt is really interested I believe.
Mitzi glad to hear that your girl has improved.
We lost a blue chick from jacks eggs. Yesterday it was sitting all by itself & wouldn't move. I picked it up still wouldn't move. Put it under the light & still didnt move. No signs of anything wrong it just stopped thriving I think.
But our guineas are doing great. Think we ended up with 64 keets & I originally set 8 dz eggs. So I am happy with that considering that hatch we had last wk. The next few wks we have keets hatching twice a wk, going to get pretty noisy around here.
LOL well he is talking to kids his age girls or not, haha. He has Asperger's syndrome so he normally isn't very social with kids his age unless they are talking computer geek stuff.

If you need another chick holler, lol. We hatched out 5 silvery/blue chicks from some green eggs a friend traded us for some marans chicks. I know we don't need them all.

Your house is going to be one trilling place! The two we have in the house have been soooo noisy since we moved the FBCM chicks they were with outside. I plan on moving them out this weekend I have a brooder out there with lights hopefully they will be okay. That white one is sooooo pretty! We set our guinea eggs in the hatcher Sunday and maybe we will get a few from those as well. Hubby said he wants 5 dozen running the place, lol. By fall we might just have that many!
Yes that is what Micheal goes by on the BYC! Also I sent OKCARLA a text for you, don't know if she will get it, I can PM you her phone number if you want! Lynn

Is Michael D, michaeldaugherty? I am still trying to find some Jersey Giants. That is all my 13 yr old wants for his birthday. Chickens have really brought him out of his autism shell (pardon the pun).  OkCarla hasn't listed any ads in craigslist that I know of, but I have been looking.
I am running out of time to find some! Please pass my name on to someone you think might be able to help. Message me! 
Thanks oodles and gobs!
still loopy from the dentist- but was thinking0 maybe some folks could get together and buy oxine for the jue swam? and have it available??

robin, you need to wait another hour before you post too much!
or post a whole bunch so the rest of us can have a good laugh!
Oh, now you're just being mean! You all can save your breath about "Mitzi and the Piggies". I HAD a pig before and that was pig enough to last me 3 lifetimes lol! Those darling little faces don't fool me. Same wtih goats and poor starving colts at the auction :-D

Did I ever tell you about the super overweight pot-bellied pig someone dumped off on me with some sob story?? I had to worm the dang thing and clip its teeth and it was NOT tame like the people claimed. I finally got a hold of it but the only way to hang on was lay on its back and ride it like a little bucking bronco. (I was only 100 lbs back then-haha!) I rode that pig all over the yard while my son (3 yrs old at the time) stood at the gate yelling, "Go Mama Go!!!"

My pig rodeo days are over!
hey mitzi, remind me to tell you about the potbelly my daughter bought about 2 years ago. i can not tell the story here, i would get banned for sure!

let me just say,,,,,, BIG blonde woman and a 300 pound pig and a FULL moon. needed eye wash for about a week after it.
Oh! I forgot my best news of all today :)) My little Faverolles pullet's crop was completely flat this morning when I let them out. So she's digesting everything! She still gets meds for another 8 days. I hope I don't have to deal with it again.
Yeah! Glad to hear she's better!

My brahmas did reappear last night, so everybody is accounted for now. Need to finish getting some fencing up so my rugrat can't chase them so close to the road. They're staying really close to the house today so whatever they found out in the world, they apparently didn't like

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