***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I didn't PM you, I emailed to you. What ever!

I checked my BYC PMs and email...didn't get anything...
Hi Okie guys and gals! I finally grabbed a moment to post. Had a good time at Newcastle. I didn't go down and talk to anyone at the tables, I always get so shy just going up and starting a conversation! LOL. I did get some nice birds tho!!! Of course I think my hubby would have preferred it if I had found someone to talk to instead of bidding. I do have a confession to make, I committed the auction newbie sin of buying some birds without looking at them.
Yep I sure did. Well you see Scoots put some chicks up on the table and said they were cochins, I think "hmmm I was thinking about some cochins", then the bidding is really low and before I know it they were mine. Oops! Hubby goes and picks them up. when he hands me the carrier my words were OMG! What are they!! I am sad to say there was a little French involved in that statement!
In the carrier were five of the ugliest chicks I had ever seen! They were caked in I don't know what but I call it 'ick", were mainly bald, and three were frizzle. They were pitiful. I let them rest in a quarantine cage till yesterday evening and then brought them in and started cleaning them up. Yeah I know I could have just cut my major loss of $3 total but I just couldn't do it.
After having to soak them for 30min to get all the gunk off,
I blow dried them and put them under a heat lamp. Still don't know most of their colors (some strange combos) but they look happier at least. After bathing they decided that the food and water actually looked decent to eat. I will start them on the hooch today. (that's what we call the fermented food LOL) So now Oogly, Quasi, Frankie (as in frankenstein ) Igor, and Boneapart are taking up residence in the back bedroom till they are more stable to go to an outside brooder. Ummm anyone want a frizzle cochin?
BTW is there such a thing as a tan barred? That is what one of them looks like.

Don't worry I learned my lesson! At least they seem healthy and did not have any bugs on them. Believe me I checked real good.
If it is a standard or LF Cochin I would be interested. Not really into Banty's. What color may I ask?
You can PM me.
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Hi Okie guys and gals! I finally grabbed a moment to post. Had a good time at Newcastle. I didn't go down and talk to anyone at the tables, I always get so shy just going up and starting a conversation! LOL. I did get some nice birds tho!!! Of course I think my hubby would have preferred it if I had found someone to talk to instead of bidding. I do have a confession to make, I committed the auction newbie sin of buying some birds without looking at them.
Yep I sure did. Well you see Scoots put some chicks up on the table and said they were cochins, I think "hmmm I was thinking about some cochins", then the bidding is really low and before I know it they were mine. Oops! Hubby goes and picks them up. when he hands me the carrier my words were OMG! What are they!! I am sad to say there was a little French involved in that statement!
In the carrier were five of the ugliest chicks I had ever seen! They were caked in I don't know what but I call it 'ick", were mainly bald, and three were frizzle. They were pitiful. I let them rest in a quarantine cage till yesterday evening and then brought them in and started cleaning them up. Yeah I know I could have just cut my major loss of $3 total but I just couldn't do it.
After having to soak them for 30min to get all the gunk off,
I blow dried them and put them under a heat lamp. Still don't know most of their colors (some strange combos) but they look happier at least. After bathing they decided that the food and water actually looked decent to eat. I will start them on the hooch today. (that's what we call the fermented food LOL) So now Oogly, Quasi, Frankie (as in frankenstein ) Igor, and Boneapart are taking up residence in the back bedroom till they are more stable to go to an outside brooder. Ummm anyone want a frizzle cochin?
BTW is there such a thing as a tan barred? That is what one of them looks like.

Don't worry I learned my lesson! At least they seem healthy and did not have any bugs on them. Believe me I checked real good.
The patterened colors change A LOT as they grow. The best Mille fFeurs start with a chipmunk pattern, then turn tan barred and begin to get more "spots'. Or the chick may be a Partridge color. It is hard to predict but fun to watch.
Finally got the humidity right and had a good hatch in my incubator this time -12 of 16. One had to be helped out and died soon after but when checking my broodies I found 2 more. One of them is a chipmunk patterened Mille Fleur. That seem to end up being the best patterened adults. I have had way too many light colored Mille chicks this year. They end up being very pretty birds but too light for Mille Fleur project. Breedersgoal is to get Cochins to have the even chevrons of Mille Fleur D'Unccles, - going to take years.
From the last post it looks that a hen can sit on eggs in this warm May. Have anyone experience a hen sitting on eggs on the hot summer days of Oklahoma? I am collecting eggs for my hen as she is a Cochin and went broody in April after she laid her first hatch and now she has laid about 15-20 eggs. Have not show yet any signs of going broody but I want to be prepare. This time I am going to move her to a shed to a cage that was for my former bunny.

Bo, thank you for the comment...would not want to lead anyone astray. It was some my son - in-law purchased to use in his deer feeder. He got it at a specialty shop and the bag is labeled food grade with no chemical preservatives. It was the only thing he could find in a hurry. So I was calling it deer corn when it really isn't. The best place to get corn for hominy is to dry your own field corn and shell it out or purchase it from a good health food site. Also Roger's mom says if you shell your own corn to keep it in the freezer until ready to make hominy. She says that keeps it from getting bugs and from spoiling.
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