***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Was good to see lots of BYCers last night @ the auction. MJ thanks so much for the hen. DD has checked on her numerous times today & she seems to be doing well. Last night she talked most of the way home. Think riding in the a/c excited her. Or maybe it was our stop @ chicken express that got her excited?

Glad we were able to being lots of guineas last night DD was thrilled her birds still brought a reasonable price. We left the auction early, since it had been a long day & we still had chores to do when we got home. Today had a guy come buy the res of the keets she had @ home, so the house is quiet for a few days. I boiled up more guinea eggs & they are soaking in olive juice. The kids eat the pickled eggs but they devour the olive eggs. Also filled the dehydrator with chopped bell peppers. Hope to get some seeds in the garden tonight In case the rain comes.

Mike if Macy gets to picking more fruit I can take it up to the farmers market on Tuesday or Fridays for her.
Well it's been a crazy week here- some good some bad. The bad- one of our dogs ripped right into the coop and took out ONLY my cream legbar pair!!!!!!! Of course she totally left the BCMs alone.
SOOOOO mad at her. I know she was just being a dog, but I have been really careful to keep her and the chickens apart unless she's on a leash I had been working on the training, the other dog trained right away but not this one. I'm so frustrated right now!

But the good- bought 6 eggs at NEOCS and they hatched Friday/Saturday. Is it possible to get a wheaten maran hatch from cuckoo maran eggs? Got one yellow and two black chicks from the cuckoo maran eggs, and 1 americauna chick hatched. 1 more still in bator, if I don't hear anything from it by Monday night I'm going to open it up and see if it developed, I don't have any way to candle besides a flashlight.

One good thing from the CL loss, contacted someone through the legbar forum here and they are going to get us about a dozen hatching eggs, guess I am hooked and getting a larger bunch! The other crazy thing- we KNOW this person from about 10 yeras ago when he lived in Tulsa area!
kass/mizty- so sorry to hear about the overagresive roos i will not REPEET WILL NOT KEEP A AGRASIVE ROO no matter how pritty he is agretion is a trait and i breed for calm gental birds only not to mention the kids my 3 year old girl loves to help gather eggs and such and if i can't trust the roo with her he is GONE NO QUESTONS ASKED there are ways to tame them doun and the more you are with thim the calmer they are but i have noticed that some birds are just geneticly agressive for exampel milleflure duccle i was breeding duccles and tryed for 4 generations to get a calm no agresive roo with no luck they are geneticly agresive and i was tyred of being floged myself and when the gave my son a bloody face that was it NO MORE DUCCLE but other breeds are calm EVEN MY SHAMOS ARE VERRY GENTAL AROUND US AND I LET THEM FREE RANGE IN THE YARD AND MY 3 YEAR OLD GIRL WILL EVEN PICK THE STAG UP AND HE SHOWS NO SINE OF AGRESTION TOWORD HER

this is one of the reson i have some of the breeds i have i slect all breeder birds for calmness juat like color and typ and cull for agrestion the gole is well manered birds and it is allways better to" build the barn before you paint it " this means breed for traits and typ first then color what good is the best color bird if he has the wrong typ ? or is over agresive ?

i love game birds they are gorgouse and i love the way they look BUT they have been breed for agrestion for way to many years for me to try and calm them doun
Joe that is a common misconception of the game breeds. Yes they were bred for aggression but only towards other birds. A manfighter would be delt with swiftly and without reserve. And just ask many older people about the roosters they feared most as a child and most will describe a Leghorn.

In the British standard for all of the game breeds it states that they must show a willingness to fight, if they don't that is a DQ. And pitting birds there was outlawed in about 1850 or so. But since the game breeds were bred for that purpose those that wrote the British standard believed the trait should be maintained. Show standards are written to maintain a breed and it's traits. Without standards all you would be left with are a bunch of mutts. It would be like having a big, pretty Holstien that only gave a cup of milk a day. Right body type and color but the purpose of the breed just would not be there.

Even at shows today you will see partitions between the OEGBs to keep them from getting into pen fights and getting injured.

And the manfighter I've got is a Shamo which suprised me to no end. This is the first one that I have ever heard of. But let me tell you that those kicks came hard and fast and before I could gain control of him I had half a dozen ragged puncture wounds in my arm. Start to finish, less then ten seconds.The night before when I fed the birds all was well, dumped the feed and he called his hen over to eat as he has for months. The next night same thing but after the feed was dumped he attacked me, no hesitation or anything and like I said it probably took 10 seconds or so to get him under control. Just glad he had buttons instead of spurs.

Any bird can get a wild hair and turn off aggressive, like people they just wake up one morning and decide that they are not going to be handled or whatever. There is no telling what is going on in those little brains of theirs but I tell you for sure, they are not just instinct driven mindless animals as is commonly believed.
Woot woot found two peachicks in cement Oklahoma - stopped south after service and picked them up both from different pairs both heavy pix bloodlines. I cannot wait!!!
So any tips on these little guys? They took the trip back like troopers and they are now in the brooder all by them selves.

We always fed ours a little bowl of boiled eggs every morning. Just put a complete boiled egg in the food processoer and mixed it to fine crumbles. An older gent told us about doing that and after that we never lost a chick, before we were losing them about two months of age. The rest of the time we fed the Purina game bird flight conditioner but shoot i bet that stuff is 25 or 30 dollars a bag now.
Thank you :) The mix I have in this pen started out as babies I placed with broody hens that had small hatches and a lot of babies didn't make the bond with the hen so they are kinda independent I've been doing this for a while without any issues between age groups and Brewster takes it all in stride I've even seen him laying in the bottom of the coop with a hen helping to keep the babies warm LOL The worst problems are from the other hens sometimes they get a bit impatient with babies that aren't theirs but it's seriously never hurt one that I know of.

hey guys i have a nonwalking month old silky, posted a pic here-
is splay leg possible at this age?
I don't think so, just at hatch. What are her legs doing? Are they just weak or do they stick out sideways?

Shellie, congrats on the peachicks-can't wait to see pictures!

Got the Brahma/Ameraucana's coop covered and their floor put in so now I feel a lot better about nothing being able to get under or over the coop. I like how this 4x8 coop turned out and can't wait to get some more made. I've got the wood sitting ready to make the frame.
Joe that is a common misconception of the game breeds. Yes they were bred for aggression but only towards other birds. A manfighter would be delt with swiftly and without reserve. And just ask many older people about the roosters they feared most as a child and most will describe a Leghorn.

In the British standard for all of the game breeds it states that they must show a willingness to fight, if they don't that is a DQ. And pitting birds there was outlawed in about 1850 or so. But since the game breeds were bred for that purpose those that wrote the British standard believed the trait should be maintained. Show standards are written to maintain a breed and it's traits. Without standards all you would be left with are a bunch of mutts. It would be like having a big, pretty Holstien that only gave a cup of milk a day. Right body type and color but the purpose of the breed just would not be there.

Even at shows today you will see partitions between the OEGBs to keep them from getting into pen fights and getting injured.

And the manfighter I've got is a Shamo which suprised me to no end. This is the first one that I have ever heard of. But let me tell you that those kicks came hard and fast and before I could gain control of him I had half a dozen ragged puncture wounds in my arm. Start to finish, less then ten seconds.The night before when I fed the birds all was well, dumped the feed and he called his hen over to eat as he has for months. The next night same thing but after the feed was dumped he attacked me, no hesitation or anything and like I said it probably took 10 seconds or so to get him under control. Just glad he had buttons instead of spurs.

Any bird can get a wild hair and turn off aggressive, like people they just wake up one morning and decide that they are not going to be handled or whatever. There is no telling what is going on in those little brains of theirs but I tell you for sure, they are not just instinct driven mindless animals as is commonly believed.
this is verry true they show intelagence and the abilaty to LEARN AND BE TRAINED mindless animals acked on instinct only and can not be traind chickens can be traind to come to a call or posse for a show even take food out of your pocket they are defanatly much more that mindless

as for the game birds i work as ring man at several auction and the birds that show agrestion and try to flog me the most are BY FAR THE GAME BIRDS even though they where breed for agression toward other birds aression is agression and can be seen in many diferant ways
toward-other roos
toward-other hens
toward-you/or others the same agression that make them whant to fight is the same agression that make them flog you it is like a sport player that is on steroyds you just never know what or hoo they may atack when they have that much agession built in you never know when it may come out
My kitten bam bam is so addicted to whipped cream she knows my coffee cup. Over all the dishes I use I can take any of them including glasses and cups out of any cabinate and she doesn't pay any mind, but if I take my coffee cup out, she starts begging as hard as she can, and when I say beg, I mean like a mobster would beg. Give it to me or else.

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