***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Finished my fusion afghan from the summer swap just in time to work on the fall squares.

The crocheted side w/ all borders on.

The quilted side complete.
Congrad.. Lightfoot on your fine,, Havnt seen you at any sale's for a wile..

Poco we will all keep Kendall in are prayer's ..

Macy got all her trap's together an loaded to put out when she get's out of school tomorow she hope's to catch alot' of bobcat's this yr. She took a few an put out last week so she could get rid of some of the coon that was eating up her corn at her dear feeder's . When she put the chip out of her game cam in it had coon on it from dark tel day light we never seen so manny..
Robin, how are you doing? You losing Joe seems to have hit me pretty hard, too. Still feel so bad for you. Joe was the entire reason I got Channing. After you got him I saw how awesome he was and fell in love.
Poco, here's sending all good thoughts to little Kendall, love that name and hope I spelled it right.
Emily, how's your sister doing?

I had a tooth snap off and have been battling dentists (literally). The prices of some are outrageous. $2200 for a single tooth?? That wasn't even for an implant. I've battled my teeth all my life and am so sick of spending thousands. I found a super totally awesome dentist though, her name is Dr Ramadan and she's on NW 63rd St. In all my years I've never found a dentist I LIKED, I really like this woman a ton. She worked with me to find a solution for that tooth plus the other things I needed done for less than some others wanted for a single tooth. (No dental ins here). So I'm thrilled. If any of you are in need of a dentist please call this lady. Seldom do I like Doctors or Dentists, but this lady I do.
Haven't lost any more birds but still worried about them. I don't think I'll go to the Shawnee show. There's a bird show (caged birds) that same day. I'm really enthralled with these Finches (thank you, Maribeth!) and the Diamond Doves and would like to learn more about caged birds, I got a red factor Canary last week, too. I feel so much more confidant about keeping caged birds safe and inside.
Power was out in our neighborhood when I got home tonight. We have more than our fair share of the power going out here. Wonder why it is such a problem?
It came back about an hour later. Almost had to help Jack get his generator going. He had just put new chicks in his brooder. Every Monday is hatching day on our street. I don't know how long he will keep his incubators going this year but he is still looking for eggs.
My aunt lives just north of you in Railhead and lost power too. What kind of eggs does he want? I may have some once I get breeding pens set back up it is almost that time of year for us too.
I have a raging headache this morning, so had to have some breakfast to be able to take some ASA, so what is a girl to eat for breakfast ...................... gluten free brownies (w/ walnuts of course for the protien and antioxidants) and milk.
have you ever tried chocolate chex they are gluten free and yummy

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