***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Nasty cold here, hoping it warms up this afternoon.
My office is overrun with little chickens who don't want to go out and play!!!
I'm working on my taxes still and they are good company but can be mighty demanding sometimes.
I am sooo looking forward to warm weather.
Any one know anything about POOPS?

Oh my gosh!!!!!! Just testing to see if my computer would let me post pics......
And WOW it did!!!
Here is a cutie Cochin I got from Nanakat last week.
I am completely and hopelessly hooked on Cochins now!
BAD, BAD, Nanakat!!!
I got 1 Showgirl pullet last December and I sure do love her. She is so funny and curious. I still love my Cochins too though.
what will I get if I breed my buff orpington rooster Sunny with a white silkie??
I can't imagine the outcome would be too pretty, but you never know.

Still on goat watch, DH came home for a while & she was on the ground grunting & I thought we were making progress. Within an hour she was up eating & playing. I think by the time she kids I will be too exhausted to be excited about a new baby!

I am excited to have so many new Okies getting chickens. Not many people can be the proud new owners of a stray chicken. For those who are limited by city ordinance you should talk with my DD who is now 13. We just moved to the farm 2 yrs ago. When we lived in town DH built her a coop for 4 chickens, because why would we ever need more than 4 chickens??? Then DD became addicted to hatching, she hatched them, played with them until the next batch hatched. The old batch went to live on a friends farm & the cycle kept repeating.
and the okies thread to all the newbies ,and folks i havent greeted or introduced myself to or met personally yet .

Joe -- marcs birds are nice , and your red barred birds you just posted a pic of are really nice examples love them man , can wait for fri , what all are you bringing doesn't matter, I am buying them all....lol

krazykat-- how are the chicks doing any pics , you going to wister fri as well
yes, I will be there, so I can buy all of Joe's birds
just kidding, I can't afford them all, dang it! The chicks are doing good, I can't remember if I told you but one of the Phoenix died, I think the others suffocated it. So I have seven now. I can't get any good pics, they are all flighty as hell, and won't stay still. I go to feed them and you would think I was walking in there like Norman Bates... I do think I may have ended up with maybe 4-6 roos on the Phoenix though, a few more than I need/want...will give them a couple more weeks and then attempt to corral them for pics and let you see what you think. How many would you want back? LOL!

you can buy buff orpington chicks @ tractor supply or a feed store for bout $3 that's were I got mine. bought my buff orpington rooster for $10 from man close to me (rooster's 1 year old &out of a show rooster). If looking for chickens just search here . here's my rooster

This is Sunny!
countryhen...do you have an incubator yet? If you do, I have a swap owed to me for some eggs... lavender/split to black orps or vice versa however that works...and I don't want them. Was thinking I would have them shipped to you if you have an inkie. If you don't have one yet....Tractor Supply is having a sale on a still air for 35.00 this week, and a turner for the same amount.....not trying to be an enabler at all people...lol
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Our Serama pullet laid her first egg today!

and a big thanks for bringing the Cochins for me, my Nizzle is going to be a very happy roo!
I have already gotten three eggs from the hen. Would they be fertile? If so...by what? lol
AND, to restate donnies question...whatcha bringing Friday?
Planted some morning glory seeds today hope it wasn't to early.
Welcome Olof! Glad to have you join us. We will be sure to help with your chick, chicken & egg addiction, making it very difficult to stay at 6 birds. lol

Nanakat...Do you have any black cochin chicks? Ideally I would like a black roo but pullets would be fine too...just want some so i can get a mixture.
Amy, will need to wait until the Black rooster is penned with some girls. The Blues throw only Blue and Splash. Of course there are many shades of blue.... Enable, enable, enable. Samson and the Iowa triplet have two chicks that look like they might be white.

To Olof
One of the blue chicks from Carl is very dark blue. Excited to see that one feather out! How many chicks did you get in this last batch and and how do they look? 2 Cochin eggs in lockdown now. :fl they hatch! Enable me? Please I do that enough on my own, especially regarding cochins! Still tempted on that roo! Lost several birds this week though and trying to figure out why. Well 1 was a very crafty critter. You taking Him to Newcastle?
Morning Okie friends! Haven't been on in a while. We have been tied up moving back to our house that was for sale. Just got unloaded and got an offer! So unpacking stopped and we are impatiently waiting to see what happens next! Sure making it hard to get on with spring chores and chicken raising! Also hard on the nerves!lol wish someone would get a start of those long rower/laughing chickens,Iwould so love to have some of those! I could so see that be irritating to neighbors! Yeah! Lol! We had snow the last two days but finally the sun is out. Now that winter is almost over I have my first cold/flu thing going on,it's miserable! Have a great day, enjoy Oklhoma,you don't miss it till you leave!
I am wanting a laughing roo too so when you get that figured out I will totally take one. Tks
One of the blue chicks from Carl is very dark blue. Excited to see that one feather out! How many chicks did you get in this last batch and and how do they look? 2 Cochin eggs in lockdown now.
they hatch! Enable me? Please I do that enough on my own, especially regarding cochins! Still tempted on that roo! Lost several birds this week though and trying to figure out why. Well 1 was a very crafty critter. You taking Him to Newcastle?
Amy, there were only 15 with the last hatch. Six were out of pen 15 so I have a total of 11 chicks from that pen so far. They are ranging in color from really light, almost white to Splash and darker blues. Feathered nicely and nice heads. The oldest are now two weeks old so going on wing colors. Haven't decided on NewCastle for the roo but am sorting out some young juvenile Wyandotte for sure. I'll update you later in the week.

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