***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I'm having such great luck with these babies fingers crossed! No pasty butts or anything yet! Lost ANOTHER silkie from my first batch that's 4 and 5 Roos :(

So sorry about the losses!
All 8 of my silkies are still alive. The little black one that almost died because he couldn't figure out the nipple water bucket is still alive, eating and drinking on its own. He is WAY smaller than the others-
Almost looks like he hasn't grown at all, but he is still alive so far.
He looks to be a black copper marans

I have an 11 1/2 week old cockerel that I am rehoming. We live in the city and cannot keep him. I honestly don't know what he is. He is very large for this age and has huge feet (maybe I'm just used to pullets). He is black with brown feathers around his neck and splashes of dark green feathers. He has grown up with three pullets and so far has been nice but is hard to catch. I will post him on craigslist either tomorrow or Sunday for a small fee but would give him to someone from this board for free. Can anyone tell me what he is?


This is him as a baby on the left.

Don't judge me, my kids had fun with it. :O)

He's the same age as the little brown one in this photo (I don't know what she is either).
I think so too - dark colored legs. But he is the color of the BCM hens. He is young though, may get more red including saddle feathers.
Could it possibly be a pullet? We really wanted a Copper Maran and I just assumed it was a boy due to it's big feet and wattles but looking at pictures the girls have big wattles. How old are they when their tail feathers get bigger?
If it is a he, he should be getting saddle feathers soon. maybe he is a she.
In other news, we finally got our Japanese name for our silkie girl we got from artsyrobin. Hyoshi no hikari - star of light
how is she fitting in? Love the name, it fits her!
I think a decontamination chamber, in an airlock between the side porch and the back door, will work. Any ideas on how to build one?
what about similar to an outside sauna? almost like a walkin bathroom, shower, sink etc??

my cochin girl seems stil tired, but is eating and talking again, much better- so hopefully just a bad case of worms wearing her down??
So sorry about the losses!
All 8 of my silkies are still alive. The little black one that almost died because he couldn't figure out the nipple water bucket is still alive, eating and drinking on its own. He is WAY smaller than the others-
Almost looks like he hasn't grown at all, but he is still alive so far.

I'm like beginning to get depressed! Haha I had 2 drowned in the little duck pools today! I just don't know what to do with these silkies! It's breaking my heart :(
Miohippus Love the bucklings! Think you may miss that buck since he throws triplets everytime.

I think the BCM is a Cockeral, sorry. Way too much color to be a pullet IMO.

Had 9 out of 18 shipped call duck eggs hatch. I consider it a huge sucess, since they all had broken airsac issues when they arrived. Maybe tomorrow I will get some camera time. Today I was running errands & we have 4 extra kids staying over.

Everyone enjoy the great weather this weekend & have a great Mothers Day!
That is so adorable!
x2 I want photo ops like that!
Talk to me a out hens that share a nest. Taron moved 2 broody girls into a large coop with 2 boxes of eggs. Both hens are on the same nest. Eggs should hatch in 2 days. Wondering if they will share them or if the alpha hen will take all the babies for herself. We took the other eggs & put in the hatcher & can always offer those babies to them. Broody hens make great mommas, but man are they full of headache & dramma!!!!!! Today I am going to try & knock out a small batch of goat milk soap before heading to town. Figure I will go to Lowes & Home Depot & stare at the lighting selections until it is all a blur. Outlets were easy for us we agreed to place outlets every 4-6ft depending on the wall. Just struggling to pick out the recessed light & placements. Also torn on how much function a ceiling fan provides. The air guy says he doenst have a single fan in his house, but don't they help move air? Going to visit a few lighting stores in Dallas in 2 wks, maybe they can lay out my lights if I show them the floor plan??? A girl can hope right?
I think Lowes has better selection of lighting than Home Depot. But my opinion. Ceiling fans I think are a must. Keeps the air moving. We have them and if I had to do it again I would still have them. If you have the money they have ceiling fans with retractable blades so when you don't want the blades turning they hide inside the light and they also have a remote. I would put your ceiling fans on their own light switch. Lighting in the living room I would do half lights on one switch and half on another. That is what I did and I love it. Three switches in living room. Ceiling fan. South lights. North lights. That way if I am crocheting I can just turn on lights to couch and not bother hubby snoozing in recliner. I think the best thing to do is picture where every piece of furniture is going to go and that will help with lighting. Make sure if you rearrange it will al still work lighting wise. Hope that helps. Good luck and happy decorating!
I have an 11 1/2 week old cockerel that I am rehoming. We live in the city and cannot keep him. I honestly don't know what he is. He is very large for this age and has huge feet (maybe I'm just used to pullets). He is black with brown feathers around his neck and splashes of dark green feathers. He has grown up with three pullets and so far has been nice but is hard to catch. I will post him on craigslist either tomorrow or Sunday for a small fee but would give him to someone from this board for free. Can anyone tell me what he is?
This is him as a baby on the left. Don't judge me, my kids had fun with it. :O) He's the same age as the little brown one in this photo (I don't know what she is either).
he is beautiful! Where do u live in ok,

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